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Sailor Dead Star

In the dark deep space there was a little bubble shining. It was heading for earth. The bubble glowed with purple light. Suddenly a pair of beautiful purple eyes appeared. They looked down at the earth and disappeared. Serena and Darien were taking a quiet walk in the park. “Tonight is so magical,” said Serena. As she looked in to Darien’s deep blue eyes. Darien bend down and French kissed her passionately. Serena put one of her arms around him and the other on his ass. The two of them were too busy making out that they didn’t notice a glowing purple bubble lend in the bushes. The bubble slowly opened and a girl came out of it. She was naked and completely covered in purple goo. She looked at Serena and Darien and said; “no… it can’t be… he promised…” A tear rolled down her cheek as she backed away in the shadows. The next day Serena was talking to Mina on the phone when she heard a loud thud noise. She rushed into the other room and saw that Rini had fainted. Rini recovered quickly. Serena took Rini to Amy’s house and Amy examined Rini. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. They decided to go out for ice cream, so they called Rai and Lita and asked them to join. They were all walking outside when suddenly they heard people screaming. They ran toward the sound of the screams. There stood three women. They were dressed all in black. They were stealing love energy from the young couples. The senshi transformed, but while they were transforming the three women disappeared. They looked around and all they saw were young couples lying lifelessly on the ground. They walked away slowly. “Here is the energy our queen,” said the three women to a dark figure siting on a thrown in the shadows. The figure slowly opened her eyes as the energy flowed to her. Her beautiful purple eyes glowed brighter and brighter. “I need more… energy… ” Said the dark figure as she closed her eyes. The three women disappeared. “Ah!!! ” screamed Hotaru as Setsuna rushed in the room. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “I’m not sure I feel a presence that does not belong here, but it’s very familiar.” Said Hotaru. “Let’s go out for lunch,” said Setsuna. As they walked they heard people screaming. They rushed toward the sound and they saw three women stealing love energy from young couples. Setsuna and Hotaru started to transform, and while they were transforming the three women disappeared. “Shit!” exclaimed Sailor Pluto. Sailor Saturn stared at her. “Oops!” said Sailor Pluto. They untransformed and headed for Haruka and Michiru’s house. They knocked on the door, but no one answered. Setsuna turned the doorknob and opened the door. They walked in and heard some weird sounds coming from upstairs. They walked up the stairs and opened the door to Haruka and Michiru’s room. There was Haruka and Michiru kissing. “I’m so sorry,” said Setsuna quickly as she closed the door. Setsuna and Hotaru started to blush. 15 minutes later Michiru and Haruka walked out of the room looking really tired. “I’m so sorry,” apologized Setsuna again. “So… why are you here?” asked Haruka. Setsuna told Haruka and Michiru about what had happened. Suddenly Hotaru fainted, but she still had her eyes open. Hotaru’s eyes were flickering with purple light. A tear rolled down her cheek as she came back to her normal self. “Are you ok?” asked Michiru. “She is coming,” said Hotaru. “Who’s coming?” asked Haruka. “I’m not sure, but I can feel her,” said Hotaru. “We have brought you more energy our queen.” The energy flowed to the dark figure on the throne as her eyes glowed. She stood up so you could see her face. She had the most beautiful purple eyes. Her hair was pure black, and it looked a lot like Hotaru’s. She was wearing a dress just like Queen Serenity’s dress, except it was all black and the circles on her chest were silver. The purple light grew brighter and brighter until the mysterious lady disappeared. Haruka and Michiru contacted all the other senshi and told them to meet them at the park. All the senshi except Serena were there. The senshi started talking about the attacks and the people who lost their energy. Finally Serena came running. “I’m sorry guys I was having a huge dinner,” said Serena. Suddenly out of nowhere a dark arrow appeared; it hit Serena in the arm. Serena started screaming in pain and crying. Rai, Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna were looking around while the rest were all around sailor moon. “We better transform,” said Haruka. “Right!” All of the transformed and looked around some more. “Show your self!” cried out Super Sailor Mars. Suddenly they heard laughter. All of them looked up. They saw the mysterious woman, but she was wearing a senshi uniform. Her senshi uniform was a mixture of Sailor Saturn’s and Sailor Pluto’s. She also wore a black cape, and she had dark wings. Instead of the little circle on her tiara she had a black star. She had a beautiful silver sword in her hand. “Who are you, and are you one of us?” asked Eternal Sailor Moon. “I am Sailor Dead Star! I come from a different galaxy, and you are no match for me!” “Why did you hurt me?” asked Eternal Sailor Moon. “You have no idea do you…” said Sailor Dead Star. A bolt of purple energy formed in her hand. She fired it at Eternal Sailor Moon. A rose stopped the bolt of energy. Tuxedo Mask was standing on a street light. He looked at Sailor Dead Star and said, “who are you? I feel like I know you…” “You do, a long time ago when the Moon Kingdom was still shining we were engaged. You promised that you would never love anyone, but me. On our wedding day Queen Barrel attacked. She almost killed us. She threw a huge bolt of energy at me that I couldn’t get away from it brought be to a distant planet. I’ve been through hell trying to get back to you. The only thing that kept me going was my love for you…” “I remember now. I’m so sorry, I wish I could have been there to help you. I’m here for you now my love,” said Darien as he jumped down. Sailor Dead Star jumped down too. They ran in each other’s arms and French kissed passionately. “Serena…” said Sailor Chibi Moon. Serena looked at her and saw that Sailor Chibi Moon was disappearing. The senshi lost their cool and fired their attacks at Sailor Dead Star. “Silence Wall” screamed Sailor Saturn as she blocked the attacks. “Huh???” exclaimed the senshi. “I’m sorry Sailor Chibi Moon… You’re my best friend, but she’s my sister. I finally remember and I can’t let you hurt her. She’s been in enough pain already,” said Sailor Saturn. Sailor Saturn and Sailor Dead Star hugged. “I missed you so much,” said Sailor Dead Star. Sailor Chibi Moon disappeared and Eternal Sailor Moon untransformed and started to cry. All the senshi untransformed too, and Haruka walked over to Serena. Haruka took Serena’s hand and said, “Michiru and I will make sure you’re happy. Sailor Dead Star said bye to Hotaru, and walked away with Tuxedo Mask. Hotaru walked toward Setsuna and Setsuna gave her a wink and the two of them went home. Serena left with Haruka and Michiru. Haruka was walking in between Serena and Michiru, so she put her hands on their asses. Serena and Michiru both giggled. Mercury left the park with Lita, and Rai left the park with Mina.