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miSs diMpLes' wOrld

december 18th, 2003 @ 9:29pm
i took this friends test on one of my friend's site...and it figured me out to be like ross. i believe it is true.

I'm Ross Gellar from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by stomps.

i am so glad that i finished stressing over finals. all of my exams have been taken and i am free to go back to cali for the winter break. whoo....that was a big load of my shoulders. i already know that it's going to be a even harder winter 04 semester. i guess i gotta prepare for that. and i think i need to start looking into med school too. dang...i need to get off my butt and start working on school portfolios and stuff....laters!

october 31, 2003 @ 9:49pm's been a long while since i last wrote in here. school has been the hardest that it has been for me. i thought i would be doing so much better, but then i am not. i tell myself that i need to study more, and that i need to do more of this and more of that, but i always fail to do it. i think so much on my life nowadays. not like i don't think about it before....but i just feel like i am not going anywhere. it is so hard to try and move on. gosh....i know that it takes time to make things happen....but how long? how long do i wait to get what i want? how long does it take to become who i want to be? i often wonder how my old friends are doing. if they are ahead of me, behind me, or along side of me.

july 29, 2003 @ 11:28pm
LOVE. what is love? how come it has the power to make people do crazy things? what magical power does it have? why this and why that. those are the questions that i have in my head at the moment. love can do wonders but then it can also cause so much pain. hmm....i guess i am just a bit confused at the moment. come to think of it....i have always been confused about all the little things. that's me i guess. turned out that i didn't go to penn after all. but i did go to ohio for the pre-med thing and it was an okay trip. the food up in the atrium was another issue though. they couldn't think of anything else to serve us. the dorms were pretty cramped up too. it was like a small hospital room. the rumors and gossip was going around bad though. someone was *ucking someone and people were having problems with other people. and these are suppose to be future physicians...what kind of stuff is that? was a good experience. i got to shadow a d.o. and that was pretty awesome.

i've been through some *hit this summer, so i'm hoping its for the best. i have finally decided to change schools, and so i will now be attending umd....which is much more supportive. it is quite pricy....but it should be worth it in the end. since the pre-med program, i've decided to change my major to i should be done soon (i HOPE)

april 27, 2003 @ 5:13pm
i've been getting compliments so i think i am on the right track with this html coding thing. thanks much! i am really excited about heading out to ohio and penn in june. was only like a dream and it seems that my dream has come true somehow. i'm also really excited because my mom and my grandma is visiting my auntie, my cousins, and me for mother's day. so i hope i get to spend a lot of time with them before they go back to cali. it's so lonely out here, but it is for the best (at least that is what i am making myself believe), so i just tough it out. oh my gosh....i was volunteering on friday night at the childrens hospital and it felt refereshing in a sense cause i was able to help out. they just have the cutest babies there....especially when they are sick like that just makes them even cuter and more precious than ever. gosh....i can't wait for my babies to arrive (which will be a long time from now!)

april 16, 2003 @ 9:56pm
gosh....i am finally taking the time to learn this html thing. it is taking me such a long time to comprehend with the html language though. on other for me has been so and so. again....there hasn't been much going on....just the regulars. aha....i am such a dork. i can't wait for my trip to ohio. it should be pretty fun....considering that i just recently found out that it was only a three hour drive from michigan.

march 16, 2003 @ 10:18pm
there has been a lot going on here lately. i held a surprise baby shower for my auntie and it turned out pretty well. there has been a lot of things on my mind and i don't quite know what to make of it. becuase i am a read-a-holic....i have finished two books in less than five days. i guess it also shows how bored i am. of late....i have been pondering over the meaning of a true friend. and i don't think that i have achieved the full understanding of it yet. my head hurts just thinking about it now. gosh....when will the agony end? i don't even know what to do with it anymore. i think i need a friend....somebody that i can totally confide in and know that it won't be gossiped to anybody

march 09, 2003 @ 11:03pm
i'm back where i started....and it is kind of refreshing. i've been thinking a lot of nothing much lately. but i guess it is not odd for me cause i do that a lot. i was on a six hour plane ride and so it gave me a lot of time to think. there is just so much on my mind that i don't even know where to start. i'm not really sure....but my main thought is that if a person wants to change for the better....then he/she should do whatever it takes to change for the better....keeping in mind that it has to be positive and not negative

february 26, 2003 @ 10:21am
i can't believe that it has only been five days sent i last wrote in here. it seemed like forever. but anyways....i have been reading my horoscope daily for about two weeks now....and whenever i read is exactly what i am pondering....or have been pondering...and it kind of freaks me out. that is just so "coolbeans", according to peng. anyways....i need to make out of me and so i have decided that i need to go back and make the best of what i have. although there isn't much to begin with....there are a lot of people who do believe in me so i feel lucky that i have people who encourage me to better myself. thanks much everyone. it just means so much to me

february 21, 2003 @ 11:26am
i am at work at the moment....and just trying to pass the time. just recently turned one year older....and i feel as if i have not done anything that is really momentous. although there has been many ups and downs in my life so far....i am still dreaming. gosh....i found the layout for my "future" house and i feel as if the world is at my fingertips (at least my world anyways)

undated....and untimed
life is so complicated. and i know that applies to anybody and everybody. there is just so much going on and so little time to accomplish what we want done. i guess that somehow....deep inside....we are always searching for that special someone....or that special thing that will make us want to continue living every aspect of our lives. even though it is done consciously and or unconsciously....we are on some kind of journey to discover ourselves. i sometimes don't understand why people do certain things....but i guess it is for the better. and though sometimes it is not, it is a hard lesson that we, in turn, must learn in order to move on. people get stuck in certain phases of their life....and i don't know about them, but i think a lot about my situations. it's an ongoing process i guess. thought is to live life in a path of discovery....cause we are always discovering things....and through that process....we discover things outside of the box. i'm a beginner....and i am still trying to find out who i am....the real me

although the saying goes ....sticks and stones may break my bones and words will never hurt me...i believe that the words hurt more than the sticks and stones. to goes straight to my inner-self....and it stays there forever. although it can be forgiven, it can be so hard to forget. and that is what hurts the most.

this is my bestest (is there such a word?) quote ....if you are given the choice to sit it out or dance.... ....i surely hope that you take the chance to dance.... (and even though you are unsure of yourself....what do you have to lose?)

sam's pictures
sam's lyrics
sam’s simple stats
name....sam p. vaj
birthday....february aquarius
status....taken by Ntxawg

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