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"Tinkerbell!" You call, as you race down the street after your white little pup. "Tinkerbell! Come! Sit! Stay!" She'd followed the commands so well last week when she graduated from obedience school. Now she wouldn't obey you if her little life depended on it!

You lean against a store window to catch your breath. You've regained your energy within a matter of seconds and are ready to go after Tinkerbell again; but just as you're about to head out you hear the most horrifying sound in the world. The screeching of tires and a dog yelp. Tinkerbell!

You're in the street in no time with the limp body of your beloved dog cradled in your arms. The driver of the car jumps out and runs to your side.

"Is she alright?" he asks, leaning over your shoulder.

You recognize the man's voice and turn around to see none other than Ringo Starr! You open your mouth to speak but no sound comes out. Suddenly, Tinkerbell sits up and begins licking your face. You and Ringo both let out sighs of relief.

"Looks like she should still see a vet." Ringo suggests, "I'm really sorry I hit her."

"It's alright. It's not your fault," you assure him with a smile.

"None the less, I still fee awful about this," he says, "let me give you a ride to the vet."


Don't accept. It wasn't his fault anyway... OR Accept! You need to get your pup to the vet, and a drive with Ringo would be fun...

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