Passions: Sheridan & Luis - Chat # 1

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Soap Opera Digest Online Chat 

----  December 13, 1999  ----

SODhost: Hey Passions fans! Please welcome McKenzie Westmore 
and Galen Gering!

Westmore: Hey everybody! How's it going?

Gering: Wow, you're really firing them up! :) What's going on, 
everyone? Thanks for joining us!!!

tickle512 asks: Do you think that Sheridan and Luis will get together soon or it will be a little while? Gering: On-Screen? Westmore: I think it'll be a lot of hit and miss.
mwsc_2001 asks: Hi, McKenzie, Galen! My Question is: In your(both) opinion what scene do you think is the defining moment in their relationship?(excluding the 'kiss'). Also, What are your fav. Colors? Gering: I think when I took all of Sheridan's clothes off was a nice moment! Westmore: LOL. Too bad I had to be unconscious! And my favorite color is purple. Actually, it has been my whole life. Gering: Purple??? My favorite is blue.
coolchick_8 asks: Is Sheridan going to find out the secret Julian is hiding?? Westmore: Probably not for a LONG, LONG time.
RdLdyHawke asks: I saw you in the Hollywood Christmas Parade, you both looked great ! When do we get to see Luis in a tux ? Gering: Sometime in the near future...
tcrossli asks: McKenzie, is there any merit to the rumor floating around that the character of Sheridan will become pregnant this next year? Westmore: Not to my knowledge! It's news to me. Whoa! Big whoa!
korul88 asks: Here's a silly question for you guys-- what makes you laugh, and do either of you have ticklish feet? Westmore & Gering: Yes! Gering: Ticklish feet. And what makes me laugh? Just about anything, I guess!
garden2rox asks: How do u feel about the success of PASSIONS?? Westmore: It's great! Gering: It's miserable -- it's tearing me up! Westmore: It's awesome that our ratings are going up. It's great to see. It is! Gering: Of course it is! It's great.
cfcf121400 asks: Good evening, I was wondering if you learned anything from your character so far ? Gering: Yep. Westmore: I still haven't learned how to play basketball... Gering: Wait a minute -- you beat me, so what does that say about MY basketball skills???
nickolecarter_80 asks: McKenzie Did you like doing the tango with Luis? Westmore: Loved it. Gering: Yeah, baby! :)
tickle512 asks: What is your favorite film of all time? Gering: I don't know, I have a lot... It depends on my mood. Westmore: Me too. I guess for a classic, I love Gone with the Wind. Something today, I just saw The Green Mile, and it was GREAT. I thought it was great. Gering: I didn't even know it was out. Am I behind the times or what??? Westmore: Never Been Kissed -- I just saw that and it was so great. Gering: I just saw a great film: Il Postino. Gering: Meanwhile, you guys should see the outfit McKenzie has on. She is looking GOOD.
vmadrill_gloria_j_99 asks: When you were shooting the scenes in the water was the water cold? Westmore: There was one tank where the water was warm, like a bath. And then near the end of the day we moved into this other tank, and we were in there for an hour and a half, and it was FREEZING. Gering: We did all the underwater shots in that one. Westmore: All the shots of me drowning and Luis rescuing me, we were FREEZING. Oooh, it was painful.
kmpmusic3 asks: No offense, but Galen, are you as stubborn as your character? Gering: No offense taken -- I think sometimes, but for the most part, no. But I think my character is, you know, he has a sense of loyalty that a lot of people don't have, you know? He's definitely stubborn in some sense but the way that he loves his family and places them first, I think that's cool.
tcrossli asks: McKenzie, from your own personal viewpoint who do you want the character of Sheridan to be with Hank or Luis? Westmore: Luis all the way! Gering: All right! She's just saying that because I'm here. Westmore: I'd say that even if you weren't here. Gering: Oh really? Hey, things are looking good!
babydoll90210_99 asks: do u get along on and off the set? Gering: Yeah, we get along! Westmore: I'm nodding my head. Yes, we do!
mwsc_2001 asks: Hi, McKenzie, Galen (again) my 3rd I guess question is... What was your ( High )School experience like? Since most of us are probably in School :( Westmore: Oh boy... Just go see Never Been Kissed. It hit a lot of chords! I then went to an arts high school, so the whole school was really small and everybody there was just out there! I seemed to fit in a lot better than I did at a regular high school. Gering: Wow -- sounds like your character. Westmore: I'm telling you -- my track record with men? [Passions Head Writer] James Reilly has me DOWN! Gering: I didn't appreciate it when I was there, but looking back on that time, it was one of the funnest times in my life. It was one of those times when you're trying to fit in as a person in society... it was a great time. Westmore: That's funny! Gering: Are you? Westmore: I'm staying home. Gering: Are you? I'm going to Colorado and to New Mexico. I'll be in New Mexico for New Years': We rented a few houses with a bunch of friends. We had that planned before [we went to New Mexico in] the storyline.
vmadrill_gloria_j_99 asks: McKenzie, I have a question is Galen a good kisser? Westmore: Excellent. Gering: Oh, we've never even kissed, come on! Westmore: Yeah, I had my eyes closed and everything, you know... Gering: I'll show her something soon. I'll show her what's going on.
smarti_84 asks: Hi! Congrats on the success of the show. Was it hard filming the flood scenes because it looks like it a lot of work? Westmore: It was a long, grueling day. I mean, it was fun. All in all, it was fun. Gering: One time at the end of the day, all the paint from the set, all the rain was washing down into the pool, and our jackets were bleeding all this dye and they dumped all this mud in there... Westmore: Then we had to wear those jackets again... Gering: And it stunk SO BAD! Yours especially, McKenzie. Westmore: It had fur that just sucked up all the stink.
cjjan21 asks: Who's the practical joker on the set? Westmore: Dalton James (Hank). I always hear him on the P.A. system calling people to the set when they aren't needed! Gering: Yeah, he's funny. lasvegaspartygirl asks: hey does anyone know if that guy is really luises father Gering: Yeah, we know! We'd have to kill ya if we tell you, but we know! LOL
raven_78045 asks: TO LUIS: HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN YOU SAW IT IN YOUR SCRIPT THAT YOU HAD TO WEAR A TOWEL? Westmore: I know I was thrilled! Gering: I think, you know, one of the objectives in this job is not to really think on that level, to get beyond that and just do what the scene requires. I don't remember ever thinking, "Oh no, I have to wear a towel!" It was actually really funny that day. I'm glad I don't wear a towel every day though!
coolchick_8 asks: Are Luis and Sheridan becoming friends?? Gering: I don't know how you define friends... Westmore: We're civil with each other. We've stopped chewing each other out.
nsync_chick4_2000 asks: Hi, I love you both sooo much! who is your favourite person on the show? Gering: McKenzie. Westmore: Galen.
kmpmusic3 asks: doing the "close" scenes, like in the cabin, was it ever hard to do, like weird? Gering: Uh... no.
whats_kickin_chicken asks: Will Sheridan and Luis kiss on New Year's Eve? Come on guys, give us some action, you're the best couple on Passions! Gering: We can't say! Westmore: You'll just have to wait and see...! Gering: New Years is going to kick ass. Whether we're kissing or not, it's an awesome show. Westmore: It is awesome, what happens.
tianna07 asks: How are you similar to your character? Westmore: I'm very similar to my character, actually. There are a lot of similarities. It's almost frightening sometimes. Gering: We look alike.
nickolecarter_80 asks: Galen, your name's quite unique. Does it have a special meaning? Gering: There was a doctor who was the first guy to figure out that the heart pumped blood, and he was a philosopher, too, who believed that we were all comprised of earth, air, water and fire. So that's where my parents got the name,
meesh_28 asks: when people see you on the streets, do they respond to you as if you're the Passions character? Westmore: As far as being approached in person, people have always come up to me and used my real first name.
kmdm96 asks: GG: i enjoy watching Passions because of the racial diversity. how hard was it for you to break into show business Gering: Well, PASSIONS was my first audition, so... I mean, show business is hard but I believe there is a large market out there. There are a lot of different races on shows today. I don't know about Hispanics, if they get the representation, but I was really lucky and fortunate.
kmpmusic3 asks: is there anything you would change about your characters? Westmore: No. In the beginning, it would have been Sheridan's driving record!
mekasta asks: What kind of music to you like to listen to Westmore: Everything. Right now in my CD player is the Foo Fighters Gering: In my CD player is Gomez.
debbie_20_2000 asks: sheridan will we ever see the mysterious man in dreams and who he is Westmore: Possibly in the near future, or sometime next year.
cfcf121400 asks: Do you think with Martin's return Luis will feel like he needs to reevaluete(sp?) his role in the family. He put aside his dreams to takecare of his family. Gering: Yeah, I definitely agree with that. I think that he's going through a really difficult time right now, and we'll see that reflected in the show.
kaloona asks: what would happen to sheridan and luis if ethan and theresa get together? Gering: What do you THINK will happen?
nickolecarter_80 asks: What is your favorite thing to do when you are away from the set? What is your favorite thing to do on the set? Westmore: Away from the set, go to the gym. Gering: Snowboard.
raven_78045 asks: TO SHERIDAN: WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON GROWING UP? Westmore: I always loved Mighty Mouse. :) Gering: I *hated* Mighty Mouse. Westmore: And I always liked Little Orphan Annie, and the Road Runner, and Wile E. Coyote.
raven_78045 asks: TO LUIS/SHERIDAN: WHO WOULD YOU SAY WAS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON OF THE YEAR OR DECADE?? Gering: Monica Lewinsky :) Westmore: I actually wear her color lipstick a lot on the show. :)
nickolecarter_80 asks: McKenzie: What's your favorite beauty tip that you swear by?? Westmore: Oil of Olay amikaiou asks: Do you all like the clothes you character wears? Westmore: Sometimes!
asoapvet asks: Do you think Sheridan will ever find out all the things see said to Luis during her fever?? Especially the making love part?? Westmore: No, I doubt it. Luis is too much of a gentleman.
stinky13324 asks: what is your favorite food Westmore: Sushi. Gering: Really? Wow -- a girl after my own heart. Westmore: You like sushi? Gering: Yeah.
dianacs23 asks: mw: why isn't sheridan more grateful to luis for saving her life? Gering: Yeah, why isn't she? Westmore: Sheridan starts to show more gratefulness toward him down the road.
tickle512 asks: Would you guys shift to film when given the chance? Westmore: Down the road, yeah. sbPassions143 asks: hello louise and charidan I was just wonderin do you sign autpgraphs Westmore: Absolutely! In fact, that's one thing I'm always disappointed with: when people come up to me in person, nobody asks for autographs! And I'd be more than willing to give one!
whats_kickin_chicken asks: Where do you chat from? Meaning, where do you go to do this? Westmore: We're here at the Passions studio. Gering: We're in the producer's office right now. We have access to secret files. Hold on, I'm rummaging! Let's see here...
magi_warrior asks: Mw! You & Tabbitha are my favorites... I wish you two would become a team and burn down HArmony Westmore: LOL! I don't know about burning down Harmony, but I'd love to be a team with her!
kmpmusic3 asks: What will happen when Luis sees Sheradin kissing Hank? Gering: Well, I don't think she's going to kiss Hank!
raven_78045 asks: TO LUIS/SHERIDAN: DO YOU LOVE INTERACTING WITH YOUR FANS ON A REGULAR BASIS? Westmore & Gering: Yeah! Westmore: Any chance we can get. nsync_chick4_2000 asks: Hey, What is it like being a role model for younger kids? Westmore: I think it's great. In fact, that's one thing I like with my character, is her strength and she doesn't take any b.s. and she stands up for herself and what she believes in. Gering: It's so rewarding. Off the show, as wel0l, to be able to make a difference. It's neat to be on the show and bring some happiness. It's really cool to do charity work and stuff like that. Really rewarding.
nickolecarter_80 asks: Galen and McKenzie What do you guys like to do besides act? Any hidden talents? Gering: McKenzie's a singer. Westmore: I sing opera, and I do gymnastics on horseback. Gering: Gymnastics on HORSEBACK? That sounds kinky! Westmore: I learned it in camp!
katy88_99 asks: will either of you be making any talkshow appearances soon? Westmore: Hopefully!
lisac_1960 asks: GG, is Pilar going to welcome Martin back with open arms, or is she going to send him packing? Gering: I can't tell you! I hope you understand that we can't disclose storyline -- it's show policy. Westmore: Yeah, we're not trying to be mean or anything!
nickolecarter_80 asks: McKenzie: Where did you get your cool hair cut? Gering: I did it. Westmore: Actually, before I did the show or signed on to do it, I was getting my haircut at a salon called Michael Joseph Furies. My hairdresser's name is Howard Kurtz.
Passionsfan1 asks: Luis, are you the man in Sheridan's dreams? Gering: I hope so! shonshine2000 asks: What do you like most about working w/each other? Gering: I love this girl. She's awesome -- she's so patient and loving and funny -- and sexy! Westmore: Awww. Galen's a sweetheart as well.
cfcf121400 asks: Why wasn't Luis more grateful to Sheridan after she spoke to the Mayor ? Gering: Because she deserved that anyway. She's created the problem to begin with so I didn't feel I owed her any sort of great praise for just trying to get out of a situation she created for me. I mean, speaking as Luis.
Lisa_1123 asks: I think your the hottest guy alive, can you mail me an autograph? Gering: If you go to, you can get the link to my homepage from there, and I will send you a greeting personally.
iluvjessemetcalfe12 asks: mckenzie how is it working with kim johnston ulrich (ivy)? Westmore: It's GREAT. She is so sweet. Gering: Yeah, she's cool.
tcrossli asks: Galen, how did the gift giving go this past saturday and what kind of reactions did you get? Gering: The kids were really receptive and once again, it was just another chance to make a difference, you know? It was great. What kind of reactions did I get? Some people were really amazed that I was there in person. One kid was like, "You're on TV, but you're here!" It was really fun.
brandygirl5150 asks: IS Sheridan the girl who played Nellie Olsen in little house on the prarie? Westmore: No she isn't! fckdupbtch_8084 asks: what's it like when you have to yell at each other on the set? does it take awhile to stop laughing? Westmore & Gering: Yes. LOL
violent_js_good_twin asks: what is your astrological sign? Westmore: I'm a Taurus. Gering: I'm Aqaurius. scott_18_18 asks: Luis my girlfriend thinks you are the greatest. I am going to propose do you think you help me by giving her an autographed picture telling her to say "YES" to Scott? Gering: Yeah, that would be funny! But I don't want to be responsible for any, you know...
nickolecarter_80 asks: Who is the one person you know you can totally count on, always? Westmore: My family. Gering: Yeah. McKenzie's family. :) Westmore: He can always count on my parents. :)
lg6064 asks: I saw, your new years gown in SOD, do you have much input into your character's clothes? Westmore: Probably if I went down to wardrobe more often I would! We have a little bit of input. If there is something that we really feel is not our character, they are more than happy to give us what they have for back-up, and usually, it's perfect.
brittanysnowonline asks: Who is the nicest cast member in your opinion? Westmore: Galen. Gering: McKenzie. It's true.
lildreamer04 asks: TO LUIS&SHERIDAN:WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE CLOTHES DESIGNER? Westmore: I like Betsey Johnson's stuff. Calvin Klein -- love Calvin Klein. And anything, pretty much, from Rampage.
Renee_wpg_22 asks: how was ur day like today? Westmore: Great! Went and visited my dad at Paramount studios. Gering: My day is not over! Westmore: Galen's getting restless. Gering: I've got a scene to do soon -- you guys want to hear my lines? :)
kerrys_25 asks: What is your working schedule? I mean, do you work for a few weeks and have a few weeks off or what? Westmore: We work just about every day, lately.
lisac_1960 asks: Galen, aren't you a graduate of the Univ. of Miami? How did you end up at that school? Gering: I did two years at NYU and then I did my last two years at UM. A friend of mine who's a producer was friends with the director of the film program and he inspired me about the school. It was a really good program.
mcg5277 asks: Hey McKenzie. Hey Galen. I'm sure you get asked this all the time, matter of fact, I am almost sure you will have been asked this already today,but how is it working together? Anything you can say about the Sheridan/Luis love triangle? Westmore: Things really start to steam up with the triangle.
amikaiou asks: Do you all have addresses where we can send fan mail? =o) Gering: You can write to us c/o PASSIONS at: CBS Radford Studios, 4024 Radford Avenue, Studio City, CA 91604 Westmore: Be sure to write our or our character's names on it, or they'll have to open your mail to figure it out. Gering: We respond to every one of our fans, with at least an autographed photo. Westmore: My photograph's in color! Gering: Wow.
emeraldcitygal asks: Passions is soo different than the other soaps, so do you guys feel the heat from being a "new" show? Gering: At first, I won't say it was hard, but we knew there was a show that had been on for a long, long time, so I don't think we felt the pressure but it was... Westmore: We felt like the new kid on the block. Gering: Yeah, it's tough being a new show.
coolchick_8 asks: Where did you grow up? Westmore: Here in L.A. Gering: You too, huh? steph_amk asks: So, how did you guys enjoy the bed scene at the cabin? Gering: I'm STILL having flashbacks. :)
cfcf121400 asks: Will we see the Lopez-F. family speak a bit of Spanish on the show ? Westmore: Actually, I speak a little Spanish, but it's like, "Feliz Navidad!"
fckdupbtch_8084 asks: what do you wear when you're on your downtime? Gering: A towel. :) Westmore: I'm a sweats fan. I love sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Gering: Aren't you on down time right now? Westmore: No, I'm wearing a nice outfit to go visit my dad. Gering: You're lookin' pretty good! :)
lisac_1960 asks: McK and G, what is it like working with an established actress like Juliet Mills? Gering: I haven't had any scenes with her, so I can't speak to that, but she's really wonderful. She had this great Halloween party. Westmore: I know when I had to do my first scene with Ben (Masters, Julian), I was really nervous. Like REALLY nervous -- hands shaking and everything. He's a great guy but he's such a good actor and he's so accomplished. Gering: She was pretty nervous in the cabin. Westmore: Yeah, that was nerve-wracking. Gering: Just kidding!
whats_kickin_chicken asks: You two are so cute together, are you both single? Gering: Sometimes. Westmore: "Sometimes." LOL!
lildreamer04 asks: TO LUIS& SHERIDAN:WHERE ARE YOU GOING FOR CHRISTMAS AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Westmore: I'm going to be here in L.A. and then I'm going to Pennsylvania for a few days. Gering: What are ya, a Quaker? :) I'll be in Colorado, snowboarding wtih friends. I was with my family for Thanksgiving.
tcrossli asks: Galen, i love your website and the question page how often do you check it and respond? Gering: I check it daily. I respond usually every two or three days, so if I haven't gotten back to you yet, I promise I will. And thank you.
raven_78045 asks: DEAR LUIS&SHERIDAN: HOW DO YOU THINK THE RELATIONSHIP OF LUIS&SHERIDAN WILL EVLOLVE??? Gering: I've got my own fantasies about it, but we'll see what happens! nickolecarter_80 asks: You two play off of each other so well. Your chemistry nearly fries my TV! Can we look forward to AT LEAST some fantasy/dream scenes where you're actually romantic together? Westmore: Fantasies will be coming up in the near future. :) Gering: I have a good hunch. Westmore: I won't say about who, though :)
SODhost: Thank you McKenzie & Galen for joining us tonight! Gering: Thank you so much for logging in. Westmore: Thank you, everybody!