Austrailian Big Hit Magazine

Issue 37 (April 2002)

Mad About Michelle

What word best describes you? - Passionate

What aspect of your character on Buffy would you like to have? - Dawn is the key to the world, but at the same time a normal teenage girl. I would like to say I have a good balance like Dawn does. I also like her fashion sense.

If you could have one super power in the world what would it be? - Telekinesis.

Describe your perfect day - Sleep late, relax, TV, hang out with my sister, shopping, relax, friends, greasy food, home, sleep.

Which person - living, dead of fictional - do you most identify with? - Jodie Foster. She paved the way for women in film.

What quality in yourself would you like to improve? - I need a tan!

What book or movie best describes your life so far? - Harriet the Spy

If you could eat only one type of food for the rest of your life what would it be? - French Fried from In 'N' Out [US fast food burger chain]

What's the one thing in the world you'd like to see outlawed? - War.

Name your greatest achievement - Being myself through hard work.

What is your greatest regret - I have no regrets, I believe that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
