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YATTA! We got fics! I scowered the internet world to bring you these carefully selected most wonderful magnificent fics for you to read and enjoy. I got some requests and well, I like to follow up on those requests from my usuals. So read these fics, cuz they really are the bomb! And if you want anyother kind fics to read I recommend this is a really great site where you can find fics on almost anything. If you wanna see my fics my pen name is "cherry-cherry-girl" but in the mean-time, you can check out these Rika and terada fics! Oh and as a little side note, none of these fics are mine. Meaning I didn't write any, so give credit where it is due, e-mail the authors with your praises not me, because well, they're really not my works of art. The author's e-mail's are beside their fics.

Title: Waiting
Author: Sakura
Summary: Rika's POV on Yoshiyuki Terada and how she feels.
read it

Title: The Ring
Author: Sakura
Summary: Terada's POV on the "ring" that he gave to Rika.
read it

Title: Valentine's Day
Author: Sara Baker
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and Rika attempts to give Terada a Valentine without him knowing....
read it

If you guys loved these fics (or hated them) leave your comments in my forum on my Funstuff page! and e-mail the authors with your comments i'm sure they'd love to hear from you (unless they're flames...then i'm not so sure...)