>>>Unofficial Lo Ka Leung Homepage by Sylvia


Gaining fame after acting in numerous TV series. Many have forgotten Gallen actually started his career in entertainment industry as a singer after participating in a singing competition. Known by the public after singing an ATV theme song, Qing Emperor. However, the result was not satisfactory. Thus Gallen turned to film industry. Most of the character he acted was bad-to-the-bone Villain until he took up the role of Lei Kay in Old Time Buddy. Gallen released an album for the series with the other lead artistes. Later on, Gallen released another personal album for the series, Secret of the Hearts. The sales of the album were extraordinary. Since then all the theme songs in Gallen  TV series are sang by him . Among Gallen's more memorable roles are Tsui Ka Lap, in Cold Blood, Warm Heart; Lei Kay in Old time Buddy; Mr. Diana in Feminine Masculinity; Big Head Man in Secret of the Hearts; and the famous Yip Wing Tim in the 100- episode, At the Threshold of an Era. We will remember all these characters always. Undoubtedly, Gallen is one of the most successful actor and singer in the universe. 



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