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This section of the ELVIS ~ A LIGHTED CANDLE website I intend to develop as an "E-Zine" with updated articles featuring information and thought concerning the spiritual impact of Elvis in the world. Others may contribute to this section as well. While the "Share Your Thoughts" section is also available for contributions, it is more for personal memories concerning Elvis as a once-living human being in our midst. "Flaming Star" will be more aligned to understanding Elvis as an archetype...his continuing influence on our lives and on the world at large as a spiritual presence. Also exploring his life as a statement in human spirituality--why did he and does he still effect us the way he does; and just what is the nature of that effect?

If you would like to  a) be informed with this page or any pages of this website are updated or new pages are added, or b) contribute to "Flaming Star," please CLICK HERE, and let me know.