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Chapter 9

~Note~ Sorry about all the new people. I feel as if I'm confusing some people. Let me clear some things up for ya. The only person who is fictional is ANGELHART's Manager. Stephen, Curtis, Miss Connie, Nikki, Tabitha, David, Lisa, Devin, Granny, ect. They are all real people. Most of every new name in this chapter are actual person from my life. I've taken their personalities and made them shine. So, yes, my Granny would have asked the question in the previous chapter.

Thanks to Mallory for her help in this chapter.

The night was perfect. Friends and family, who I haven't seen in ages were all there. The guys and girls had decorated while Lance and I were picking up my Granny. It was beautiful with all the red and blue balloons everywhere. Red and Blue represented our groups colors. In the begining NSYNC's name had mainly been written in blue and our's was red, mainly because of the "Heart" part of the name.

"The long-lost daughter has arrived," said Lance as we walked in.

Once inside I seen people I hadn't seen in 7 years. It automatically brought tears to my eyes. The first two people who approached me were my two very best friends, my cousin Tabby and best friend since 1st grade Nikki.

I stood around talking to people while the guys and girls looked on with smiling faces.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone these are the guys that make up NSYNC. This is Joey, Justin, Chris, Lance and JC. These other two are the remains of ANGELHART. This is Amanda and Mel. These are my family and friends. And since there are so many people here, they can introduce themselves to you." I said as the group of people all laughed at my last statement.

A few minutes later the party had begun. People were everywhere. The guys had went off somewhere talking. The girls were talking to a few members of my family and I stood surrounded by friends I had gone to school with along with my cousin.

"Hey, may I steal her for a minute?" Lance asked while I stood talking to some friends from childhood.

The place had been sectioned off. The back of the rink had been set aside for those wanting to skate. The front part had been made into a dance floor; bordered off from the skate area with blue and red ribbon. Also in the middle Lance and the guys had set up kinda like a mini-stage.

Lance pulled me up on the stage with the others as he grabbed the microphone and started speaking to my family and friends.

"Ok, well we just like to say that it was nice meeting all of you. We've heard alot about some of you and the other half of you, Laura hasn't mention you so you can verbally abuse her as you like." Lance said as people laughed and I looked at him in mock shock.

"Wait a minute now. Lance the only reason you haven't heard of some of these people is cause YOU never asked." I said as I poked him.

"Ok, ok, " he said laughing. "Well, we hope that you all enjoy the party."

As we climbed off the stage, music started and some people hit the dance part of the floor. Chris, however, went off into the skating part. Mel and Justin remained on the stage planning something. Who knew what would happen when those two were left alone. Amanda and JC had hit the dance floor. I walked over to my cousin and was trying to fill her in on the seven years we had been apart.

"Here," Lance said handing me a can of Coke.

"Thanks," I said as he walked off toward the stage with two more.

"Well, well..." said Tabby shaking her head at what had just happened.


"What do you mean, what? Don't tell me that you two are..." she said.

"NO! God, we're just friends."

"Friends, ha! You can't stand there and tell me that you don't like him."

"Who said I didn't like him?" I questioned as we laughed.

Oh how I missed talking to Tabitha like that. We were closer than many thought. We were technically cousins only through marriage but we didn't consider ourselves that. We were more like sisters, that's the way it had always been.

The music was mainly our stuff. Many of my family and friends hadn't gotten to hear it. So they were getting a before-hand glimpse of our debut cd which was coming out in a few weeks. A soft melody had entered through the speakers.

This isn't one of our songs.

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Lance asked me taking my hand in his.

"Um, ok sure." I said still trying to place the song.

Lance lead us to the middle of the dance floor. He closed the space between us and curled his arms around my waist as I put my arms up around his neck, my forhead resting on his shoulder.

"Listen to the words," he whispered in my ear.

I just don't understand
Why you're running from a good man baby
Why you wanna turn your back on love
Why you've already given up
See I know you've been hurt before
But I swear I'll give you so much more
I swear I'll never let you down
Cause I swear it's you that I adore
And I can't help myself babe
Cause I think about you constantly
And my heart gets no rest over you

"Psst.. Look who crawled onto the dance floor and look awfully close," Mel said nudging Amanda.

I had finally realized where I had heard the song. It was from their Pop Odessey tour. One of my favorite ballads, and Lance knew it. But as I listened to the words in the song I finally understood what he was trying to tell me.

You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless
Cause I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I'm the only one for you
What's wrong with being selfish?

Unconsciencously, I closed me eyes as we moved to the music. I sighed as the music continues to play and Lance automatically tightened his hold on my waist.

"Just friends, huh?" said Tabby outloud to no one in particular.

Amanda, Mel, Justin, Joey, and JC heard this comment, since Tabitha was standing near the stage watching us.

"Is that what she said? Friends?" asked Mel.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well technically they are just friends but I think Lance wants to be more," JC said.

"Why do you think that?" asked Amanda.

"Because Lance edited that tape himself. Sneaking one of our songs in it..."

"Are you saying that Lance likes my cousin?"

"Duh, I thought it was obvious," commented Justin.

"What about Laura?"

"She likes him," Mel told her.

"And the problem?"

"Ah, his name would be Johnathan."

Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart
You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All that I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever

"Is there a meaning to this song? Is that why he put it in there also?" asked a confused Tabitha by this point.

"Yeah, the words to the song." Justin started. "The way I see it is she was hurt and he loves her but shes afraid of being hurt again so she won't let him get close and he's begging her to let him. Right?" he asked Mel.

"Um... yeah, basically."

To prove that I'm the only one for you
So what's wrong with being selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish...
So what's wrong with being selfish...

The music stopped but I didn't want to let go. I held onto Lance dreading the moment he'd let go. I knew it was coming and could feel his muscles begin to contract.


He pulled back a little with our arms still around each other. I looked up into his green eyes and was stuck, again. I could see that he was battleing with himself as to what to do now. I guess in a way my reaction to the song was what he was looking for but not completely.

"Thanks for the party, Lance."

"Thank you for the dance."


Chapter 10