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Welcome to my little corner in the cyber world.It has taken me some time to figure out just what I wanted to do here.And now I know...Everyone likes to send and receive something special to make their day a brighter one.So my following pages are for just that.There will be several different titled pages for the special one that you are thinking of...Please feel free to browse and send one of my special thoughts to your friends, family , or that special other in your life..!

Before I go on.I would like to thank a special group of ladies.The "CyberSisters".The CyberSister are a wonderfull group of ladies and friends. They share so much warmth and caring.I believe their hearts are made of gold.And if it was not for them I would not be able to have this opportunity in having this page.Please feel free to check us out.! Sorry fellas, ladies only!

Most of these pages are my own thoughts, and then a few are what I have collected over the net..Enjoy

click on the yellow to for guest book

Gift Pages Coming Soon!


Disclaimer---Most of the following signatures are from As far to my knowledge all graphics on these pages was of public domain and free to use. If other wise please email me and they will be removed a.s.a.p!!