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My name is Amandip Sandhu "AMAN"

age: 16

date of birth: march 9th 1985

sex: female

occupation: student at laurenhill academy

Hobbies: I love sleeping! Staying inside and listening to music while it rains outside. Talking on the phone, chatting on net with friends. Playing sports and roller blading with my brothers. Watching old movies. Taking long walks and going to parks. And of course always SMILE and have fun with friends.

Pet Peeves: INSECTS!! DOGS(only because i'm scared) & most of all PMS!!!!!!!! Lack of humor. People with attitude and that are concieted about their looks.(after all beauty is only skin deep!)

Love: In my eyes love is something priceless and only a few lucky people in the world find true love. Love is a deep feeling of friendship, trust and accomplishment. It's passing wind and it knocks at your door only once in life open that door and let it in.

Future plans: I haven't exactly decided what i want to become in life but i will succeed and my main goal is to complete school and have a respectable career. Fufil my parents dreams. Be a loving mother, sister, wife, daughter, and friend.

Personality: Well i'm a shy person, but around people i know well i'm always loud, cheerfull and hyper. I generally like making friends with honest, funny and serious people. Like to be alone sometimes. And i get rid of my anger by crying it out. I like to dream, i feel it keeps your hopes up and always pushes u to achieve your goal.