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I'm begging ya to be patient!

Please bear with me!

Frankie Muniz Online is undergoing massive renovation

Message to fans:

September 2, 2002

Hey everybody!

I'm Lori. I started this site when I was thirteen, in the summer of 2000. Since then, I've gotten some help from others who've spruced this place up a bit, and then I basically abandoned it.

I know that this site has been palpably falling to pieces recently, mostly due to my neglect. Two reasons? I've been bummed out by 9/11 for a long time, even after everyone in the state got over it. Also, I was busy with my first year of high school. Being a freshman is kind of hard, but I survived with a 93 average.

So it's been like, what, a year, almost, since I last worked on this. I took that time to master the art of procrastination.

I'm going to be really busy this year as a sophomore, but I'm determined to get this site up and running. Just be patient (grit your teeth or something). You know what they say, "Haste makes waste."

Well, I better get going.

See you guys in about a month!
(or two!)

To email me, write to