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Venus Falling




i – Pears

ii – I Hold You

iii – Remember Me

iv - Carnival

v - Little Lights

vi - Somewhere Between You and Me

vii  - Hiding Behind the Windows

viii – Peardreams

ix - Saturn Fruits




 x - Squirtels of Mud

xi - Eternal Pleasure

xii – Grasped

xiii – No Time to Pray

xiv – Venus Falling (The Rabbit Tear)

xv – Religious Epilepsy

xvi – High on the Moon

xvii – Woman Factory

xviii – Lucifer’s Decision

xix – Breath II







Pears, pears, all I see is pears,

Tears, tears, all I see is tears,

Can you make anything of it, wizard,

Take us all behind the curtains


Pears, pears, pears moving through your kettle,

What are you making, wizard,

Something’s breaking, breaking inside


i hold you


i am the king of rabbits,

far away from you,

far away from everything,

i am the king of rabbits,

you cannot hold me,

for i hold you,

everything is in my hands,

my winds are blowing,

i am the king of rabbits,

far away from you,

far away from everything,

doing what i do


i am the king of rabbits,

close to you,

and close to everything,

you cannot hold me,

for i hold you,

everything is in my hands,

my winds are blowing,

i am the king of rabbits,

close to you,

close to everything,

doing what i do


hold me now,

let your winds blow,

are you the king of rabbits,

close to everything,

doing what you do,

are you far away,

are you holding me like i do to you,

everything in your hand,

please make me understand,

what it is between me and you


remember me


here here in my head it ticks like crazy,

in my heart it fights against me,

this sweetness and this softness,

it's slowly killing me,

i will be here for the last time,

if you don't help me,

i'm drowning in my bottle,

please prince of rabbits don't forget about me,

remember me when you pray,

remember me when you eat,

when you drink from steamy wines,

when you walk along the streets,

remember me, this is the last time i will speak



i am the king of dying, i am the king of pain,

my voice is like the tear of mystery, and in this i am so vain,

in this vanity, i look down on rich beggars, looking down on those in joy,

they win to lose it all, it's such a big big carnival


carnival, weathers from the rose inside me, tearing it all when it falls,

for when it was standing, it wasn't honest at all,

living in such a big big lie, just weathers from the rose inside,

seasons of the rabbits wine,

it takes many days before it reaches the sky


i am the king of dying, i am the king of fall,

spreading so much desires, but who wins them will lose them all,

i give them to those who are vain in pain,

to those who are true while others are lying,

it's such a big big shame, just seafoam of the rose's break,

all weathers inside, this girl is losing her mind,

you can never win from winter's shake,

you can never win from a rabbit's beggar,

begging for some more pain,

begging for some more tears to watch the carnival in vain


Little Lights


Ladders of roses,

leading me to the land behind the table,

Gathering pears for a new season,

for the pearprince is coming near,

in a deaf shop on broken tables,

a cradle of fruits is bringing us near,

to the flame, to the soft flame,

of a mousecandle


Don't speak loud when you're here,

for then you cannot enter through the small gates,

of this rabbitcastle, meeting the prince of pears


Ladders of roses, leading me deep inside,

where little flames are watching me, they don't know where to hide,

They have fear, for the pearprince is coming near,

in a deaf shop on broken tables,

a cradle of fruits id bringing us near,

to the flame, the soft flame,

of a mousecandle


Don't speak loud when you're here,

for then you cannot enter through the small gates,

of this rabbitcastle, meeting the prince of pears, meeting the prince of pears

You have your vows to silence and darkness,

the pearprince is near, this rabbitprince of the big pear


Their eyes catch the lights we cannot see,

They have pink pictures in their heads,

Like little lights between you and me,

like little lights between you and me


Somewhere between you and me


A rabbit's just a pearmaze, making us blind to the mirror,

Showing us what they do not see, all this orange honey,

flowing between you and me

A rabbit's just a pearmaze, making us so blind,

showing us the pearside of the screen,

all these juices flowing through you and me,

So many glasses are broken, when the mousecandle starts to sing


A rabbit's just a pearmaze, and all my friends are thunderwalls,

The wolves they cannot get me, I'm somewhere between you and me,

Somewhere between you and me, flowing like the pearperfume,

flowing through the dayballoon, somewhere between you and me,

So many glasses were broken, so many windows, when the mousecandle started to sing,

I'm somewhere between you and me, where am i now, i'm flowing to the pearstream,

to the pearbottle, a pearcandle, like the mousecandle singing,

So many windows break, their way to you and me,

while I'm breathing somewhere between you and me


A rabbit's just a pearmaze, I cannot win from this stream,

when roses are dying, the game brings me, here,

somewhere between you and me,

to escape into the stream, my way to the pearbottle,

a pearcandle like the mousecandle singing,

somewhere between you and me,

i'm starting to see the pearmirror,

i'm finally free,

somewhere between you and me,

i found the answer, i found the orange dream


Hiding Behind the Windows


I found enough roses in the field,

To survive the day, I love staying with them,

Until the wind blows me away,

January runs outside,

and I'm hiding behind the windows,

glass is screaming against me,

but today I'm already deaf,

with all these deaf pears


I found enough trees to climb under the sun,

To find the birdnest of yesterday's fate,

Cannot fight against it, these eggs are too fragile,

and what if they want me to stay,


And I'm hiding behind the windows,

glass is screaming at me,

but today I'm already deaf,

with these deaf pears around me

And I'm hiding behind the windows,

while the glass is screaming at me,

and the juices flow,

but I'm already deaf, with these deaf pears around me

And I'm hiding behind the windows,

while the glass is screaming at me,

no, these suns will go down,

they will always rise, until they fall in me


I found enough trees to climb,

eating fruits, they are so ripe,

they are telling me, don't hide too long,

for daylight's freezing, and you are still alone,

but i do not care, when they lie to me,

about shells too narrow, shells too wide,

about shells between you and me


And I'm hiding behind the windows,

glass is screaming at me,

but today I'm already deaf,

with these deaf pears around me

And I'm hiding behind the windows,

while the glass is screaming at me,

and the juices flow,

but I'm already deaf, with these deaf pears around me

And I'm hiding behind the windows,

while the glass is screaming at me,

no, these suns will go down,

they will always rise, until they fall in me



Pears will rise, pears will fall,

Peardream gets them all

Pears will rise and pears will fall,

Until the Peardream gets them all,

Until the Peardream gets them all


Orange is lying against the wall,

Orange is fading away,

but the peardream will get her in her daydream,

She may rise and fall


Peardreams will rise and fall,

Oranges will lie in their baskets,

But you cannot touch them all,

For there's a window between you and me,

a window between you and me,

There's a pearwindow between you and me


Peardreams will rise and fall,

a man on the horse will call them all,

behind pearwindows they stand,

until the orange saturn will take them instead,

until the orange saturn will take them instead,

all these dolls are painted,

in light purple faces, all these dolls are going to,

the orange saturn will take them instead,

the orange saturn will take them instead,

drawing the beds on the wall


Saturn Fruits


Saturn fruits like growing on the wall,

Daylight dreams will fall, in a basket, so many rabbitheads,

They will lead you until you will understand,

Saturn fruits, they speak until they fall, in silence,

to this carnival, so many dreams do not hide from me,

take me inside to my destiny,

i was always there, but i couldn't see the lights surrounding me


Saturn fruits they stare at me, the window is just a mirror,

I'm seeing myself, this face like a saturn fruit,

like a light purple painting, flowing over me,

bringing the daylights from far over the stream


Saturn fruits like rabbitperfume,

taking me away from the moon,

this golden dream will end soon,

diamonds lie forever, diamonds say it's over soon,

while it's still under the skin,

planting a new flower under the moon,

is this the rabbitfever, i must go through,

until the pearprince wakes me up,

and then it's not over but just deeper inside,

the fruit has many layers, and what we eat comes deeper inside,

and what we reach comes deeper inside,

it's like traveling through the pearfever,

of fevers from saturn fruits,

like the rabbitperfume, like the mouseperfume,

like the perfume of the pearprince,

it's streaming deeper inside,

and we see the deeper faces, behind this all,

this carnival


It's lying to me, speaking the splinters of truth,

It's lying to me, speaking the pieces of a broken pearmirror,

It's lying to me, hurting me, to become deeper,

to show the truth behind the mirror,

where the mousecandle sings,

a rabbitcandle hiding the fear,

How many mirrors do we need,

the mirrors of saturn,

like saturn fruits, they're guiding me

This mirror isn't broken,

it's just a way of showing you the tears


Squirtels of Mud

Squirtels of Mud, hiding the Chocolate,

Squirtels are hiding the great plot,

Squirtels of Tears, hiding so many years,

They do not wish to gather all these ornaments,

They have spred them like the trees of it all,

the trees of it all


Squirtels of Mud, hiding the Chocolate,

hiding the years between the tears,

Squirtels of Sentiment, they don't want to make us understand,

They cry all the days, they spread them until we don't know it anymore,

Lost in the space, disappeared, and then we're waiting for another year,

these strange sentiments, not gathering but spreading them, like the autumn wind


Eternal Pleasure

Like rabbits around the big pear,

strange tears are streaming,

bringing us around the years,

not grasping what we're searching for,

but hiding until it's reaching for our shore,

The mousecandle is passing by,

spreading the pieces of the fire,

colours in our head, it's getting faul,

at the end of every year, it's the spread of a mousecandle passing by,


I was too young to know what pleasure was,

I thought I found it but all I got was pain,

And now I know I must find eternal pleasure,

And it's hiding in the deepest pain,

So take another dive in the bottle,

and drink from deep oceans,

First you will not understand,

but later you will feel the sand,

of the eternal pleasure,

to know what autumns do

We will only understand the pleasure,

when we understand the pain,

of broken sand



I was grasped by a larger light,

something I didn't understand,

something I couldn't bend,

or mold in my hands


I was grasped by a harder dimension,

And now I'm in these chains,

to see the days float away,



I was grasped by you,

and there is nothing I can do,

I made a fool of myself,

but it was you,

I made a big mistake, but it was you,

and there was nothing i could do


I was grasped by a softer thing,

a speed unheard, a deeper attention,

All the other guys were made of you,

You were the wallpaper in my eyes

And you took me by surprise,

you've put the mousecandle before my eyes,

and now I can see, what you all did to me,

while i was thinking i was making a fool of myself,

another big mistake, but it was you,

and there was nothing i could do


You're my soft rage, my shelter, in which i hide,

you've put the mousecandle growing before my eyes


And now I'm Grasped,

I cannot escape,

Now I'm Grasped,

I am in delay,

Now I'm grasped,

I don't want to escape,

Now I'm grasped,

I am in delay,

to follow every step you make


No Time to Pray

Trousers wearing, like fruitskins today,

Spinning in autumn's circles,

I am out today, I'm not at home,

My head is in delay

Still cycling between school and house,

I am wondering when I would see this candlemouse,

rising for my eyes today I hope so


Trousers wearing shoes in delay,

liquid fruitskins dried when it's another day,

and I am still cycling between school and house,

with my head in the wind,

wondering when I would see this candlemouse,

developping before my eyes today, I hope so,

My head is in delay


And all my friends are chocolate ballerinas,

chocolate marionettes, marching to the daylights,

to meet the candlemouse instead of me,

they cannot watch me, i am so out of sight,

wondering with my head in the wind, about the candlemouse,

a chocolatemouse i guess, melted away at the end of this dress,

this steamboat's holiday, i'm growing for i forgot to pray,

leaving the gods behind, to enter in this chocolate boat,

where will they bring me, maybe to the candlerabbit,

chocolate rabbits, chocolate mice, chocolate frogs, they're growing inside,

melted at the end of the day, at the end of this steamboat's holiday,

no time to pray, no time to pray, i am with my head in delay,

floating between the school and the house,


Candlepears are whispering,

there's a golden pear listening,

recording the city, recording the papers,

recording what they said today,

having no time to pray


Venus Falling (The Rabbit Tear)


Perfume candles, lost in august,

reaching for the coasts of june,

Perfume candles, lost tornadoes,

Portugal knows what it does


Rabbit Tear, come close, come near,

Show me all what's lost,

show me all what need to be found

Rabbit Tear, come close, come near,

Give me tables, show me fear

Rabbit Tear, warm and clear


Have a rabbitcandle, found in june,

lost the ornament, in silence and in doom,

still undercover, still full of fears,

it's a scary smuggle, many of them died,

many of them lost the fight,

but one of them rises in the night,

heading for the rabbit tear,

it's snowing there in june,

rabbit tear, warm and clear, come near


I was swimming there, didn't feel earth under my shoes,

Now I'm on Venus, where the rabbit tear falls and grows,

rabbit tear, warm and clear come near


Saw a rabbit with a white cross,

and dogs were barking all around,

now he's standing there in a tall coat,

words of thunder, singing rabbit tear, warm and clear, come near,

rabbit tear, warm and clear, come near


Venus is falling, Venus is turning, fleeces like thunder, covering the earth,

Through the Rabbit's Tear, all becomes clear, through the Rabbit's Tear, everything comes near

Venus is falling, Venus is turning, fleeces of perfume cover earth,

through the Rabbit's Tear, through the Rabbit Tear, everything comes near,

for venus is falling, and venus is turning, like thunder covers earth and the ocean,

through the rabbit's tear, everything becomes clear,

through the rabbit's tear, all perfumes wonder, rabbit's tear, through the rabbit's tear, come near

Venus is falling, falling, Venus is turning, gliding through the fleeces of perfume water,

rabbit tear, please be near, rabbit tear, makes everything so bright and clear,

venus is falling, falling, venus not hiding, it's coming soon,

like the moon showing the rabbit's face, rabbit tear, oh rabbit tear, come near,

for venus is falling, not hiding anymore, venus is gliding,

through the forest and the fleeces of the perfume water, perfume breeze, rabbit tear, stream near

Venus is falling, turning to me, showing it's lovely face, the new gender, for you and me,

Venus is falling, showing it's face, turning to me, please rabbit tear come near,

for venus is in my hands, venus glides through my land, through august and egyptia,

lost to reach the coasts of june, for venus is falling, and venus is in my hands, and in my head 


Religious Epilepsy


I have fallen by my religious epilepsy,

I have fallen underneath the grey,

Spend my time now with the pirates,

Love was the biggest crime


I have fallen by my religious episode,

Now I'm growing like a rabbit out of hell,

Seems like the bridge to me,

All these lights, still a mystery to me,

I am sick and tired to go under in this heat


I wished my tongue was frozen,

I wished my tongue would make me blind,

All these criminals called lovers,

They are inventors of the fight,

All these colours of war,

I have fallen by my religious epilepsy,

religious episode, smuggling the rabbitbabies,

through the teeth of destiny


I have fallen by my religious carnivorism,

fallen by my philosophies, swindling to raise rabbitbabies,

I have fallen by religious epilepsy,

Spending my time now with the pirates,

Love was the biggest crime


Tell me, love is a lie,

Tell me, love is a market,

Tell me, love was a crime,

It was a chain to my religious epilepsy


Religious Epilepsy,

Religious diagnosis,

all my philosephies,

they are slowly dying,

the heat lets me grow like a rabbit out of bed,

wished i was frozen, wished i could see,

that love is still my biggest enemy


Tell me, love is a lie,

Tell me, love's a market,

We're all a piece of meat,

In heaven's slaughtery

Don't stop telling me,

Don't stop reminding me,

Gotto close the doors,

for love is my biggest enemy,

gotto close all taps and windows,

for I have fallen by my religious epilepsy


High on the Moon


High on the moon, words are spoken,

like the bridge to saturn, bringing the orange to the morning,

High on the moon, this Raven Bridge,

High on the moon, High on the moon, High on the moon,

The Raven and The Bear,

They are rulers of the night, over wintermonths,

And they watch the pictures of a new morning,

bleeding in the river,

their paws are hiding, what to do,

when summer comes to you


The winter is over, over, now it's June,

The winter is over, over, we're getting down and grow high on the moon,

High on the moon, words are spoken, like the ravenbridge,

High on the moon, High on the moon, High on the moon,

The Raven and The bear, still the rulers of the wind, and rulers of eternity,

between you and me, High on the Moon


There are sweeping summers between you and me,

High on the Moon, like the animal ladders, High on the Moon,

High on the Moon, words are spoken, between me and you, High on the Moon,

High on the Moon, so many eternities, between me and you, High on the Moon,

ravens and bears are rulers, of eternity between me and you, High on the Moon, High on the Moon,

High on the Moon, like the ravenbridge, between me and you, High on the Moon,

these wasted summers, winters are over, and now it's June, between me and you, High on the moon,

we're getting down, to be High on the Moon, ravens and bears, still between me and you,

High on the Moon, High on the Moon, High on the Moon, High on the Moon


 Woman Factory


Deep in the vanity of life,

the wars have faded away,

they're getting lights upon them,

gathering the worst forms of stench,

on morningmoon they decide

to take the ladders instead of the flight


Woman Factory, such a misery, such a misery,

They have delights in golden tables,

of a mad man's word, you don't believe it,

it was something they heard,

somewhere, i do not know that place,

even ghosts do not come there


Woman Factory, the captain is skew-eyed,

The captain is in mourning about the misery, this misery,

playing a lot on golden tables, where ghosts don't dare to come,

Woman Factory, she has a pretty smile, bringing death to me,

why do I always choose her, is it to escape my own misery ?


There are boys on the boat, pirates in a gate of water,

making troubles, so don't believe them, when they have their golden speeches,

They're troublemakers, promisebreakers, racing on the edges of life,

yeah, death is deep, go take another dive


There are boys on the boats, while summer's fading,

heading for the Woman Factory, take some legs and arms,

for a new baby


Lucifer's Decision


Tell my friend, what's really bothering you,

Tell my friend, what's really aching you,

You have time to find a green day, between the black days I gave to you,

God, give me some light, I've fallen away, I'm losing the fight,

God give me some light, I have fallen away, I am losing the fight,

Sweet mornings cry for my attention,

God, give me some light


Back to Triumph, at a mother's stake, a fat guy with a fat cake,

staring at me, with beer in his hand,

He's Lucifer, this guy is mad


God, give me some light, I'm losing this fight,

losing all you gave to me, I'm on Cain's Road, what did you do to me,

God give me some light, I cannot breath, this fat guy's sitting on me


Man of Crowning, man of sympathy,

all babies are bowing, there's blood coming from below his knee,

many mothers are fading, these kids are all out of order,

Man of Crowning, superfaces, back to Triumph, a mother's on a stake,

this lucifer's tail it's breaking me, skeweyed are staring, is this my destiny,

why burning in hell, why burning in tight religion,

God give me some light, I'm losing this game, will I ever turn around, to say,

goodbye to you, my plastic friend, it's over, this is the end,


Kids are dying slowly,

Who is to blame,

this god or this devil 


God give me some light,

Jupiter turns over me so bright,

God give me some space,

God give me some brains,

i don't want to be in this game,

please tell them all, i will be there again at carnival


breath part two

my voice is like fires becoming weaker,

like sound changing in the wind,

your mother told me, come not too close,

for her winds are blowing below the castle,

standing on a hill, where she hides you, my baby


my voice is like fires becoming water,

like flames bending in the wind,

getting taller to catch a glimpse of your signs,

i know you, like a million years ago,

i'm going to save you, like you saved me before,

eternally united i am with you,

nothing's gonna break it


My voice is like the waters falling down to touch the sea,

I'm sifting the blue, until it is a portal for you and me,

We will escape, yes, we will escape, like a memory,

a daily breath, a daily friend, we're creeping on our knees,

through the small small split of a cave,

a misplaced divorce, but our souls are still united,

for you didn't agree, you didn't agree, that it also had to be put on me,

but I'm finally free, your mother and your father cannot hold you down,

their split was your escape, they tortured you your whole life,

you are now free in me, but they tried to place this divorce on me,

we are one forever, i never married you,

i never will, we will be just friends, but we are saving each other from a killing past,

can you breath, can you breath .... breath ....