Magick and Religions
Philosophies(mine and yours)
Visual Stimulation

This page is mostly dedicated to the research (and/or curiosity) of those who are looking for all the different Magicks of the world from Out of Body Experiences to the history of Kabalah. It is here for those who need frequent updates on spells and magick, visual stimulations, music + book updates, and a place to get good links. You can also check out my Philosophies page to boggle your mind for a bit, and put in your own input. This page has just been put up so it may take me awhile to get everything up and running, untill then, e-mail me with any suggestions and, enjoy...

UPDATED LAST: 10/13/04: Okay, so I started this page quite a while ago and i don't even know if anyone besides friends have gone to it due to the lack of a recent e-mail address. HOWEVER, if you are visiting this page and you either a)realize my shit is seriously outdated and lacking but wanna give advice, which is much needed anyway b)wanna tell me about cool links or c)some other fuckin reason... the e-mail has been updated.

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