please read through

first of all, everything is free, whether you request or adopt, the dolls are free and will stay that way

VERY IMPORTANT! the way this works..whether your requesting or adopting it doesn't matter, these demands must be made, it is very simple: please put a link of this site near of by the doll your adopted/requested. you may use one of the buttons i made (you will find these buttons in the adoption pages). second of all(which is very optional), you must send this site to a friend for every doll you take/request. EXAMPLE: YOU TAKE 8 DOLLS, YOU SEND THIS SITE TO 8 FRIENDS. i have a "send a long" option at the bottom of my index page to make this easy to do. Do you HAVE to send this site to friends?? NO, YOU DON'T HAVE TO, it is just a way for you to get a free doll(if you have already requested a doll this week, remember, only one a week, but as many as you want) and for you to help me get this site around. I would like to make you aware that this is a small company, and it doesn't get around very easily.

EXTRA: if you send this site to more than just to as many dolls you have taken THIS TIME YOU HAVE ADOPTED; I DON'T MEAN HOW MANY YOU HAVE ADOPTED OVERALL, (at least 5 more friends) i will make you an extra doll request, even if your "1 doll a week is up." thank u!

the way you can prove you have sent this site to at least 5 more people than you needed to is: forward the e-mail you sent to your freinds to CALICHICASL1584@AOL.COM, or send me the website along with your friends. I will e-mail you back, and ask what you want your doll to look at as soon as i get the e-mail

nothing from this site may be taken as your own creations, and nothing out of this site must be copyed and edited without my permission.

you must make a link to this site, "," using one of the dolls made by me, or near it on your site, and must stay that way.

dolls will not go on sites that have vulgar contents, or porn sites. I will not make dolls for sites of that nature, or allow you to take one for that site

DON'T ASK ME TO MAKE NAKED DOLLS! they will not be made! doing so will get you blocked from my e-mail so you can not request another doll.

do not spam my e-mail address, doing so will get you: blocked, if on aol (like i), you will get TOSed, if on internet e-mail (also like i *lol*) you will get reported. not to mention blocked.

i will only make NONANIMATED DOLLS for you at this momment, animated dolls requested will be made as non animated,

i only will make 1 doll per person a WEEK, unless i tell you otherwise. please allow 5-7 days for delivery. One per week; but that doesn't mean only one doll per person, you can request as many dolls you want(and all are totally free), just only one per week.

and that is all you need to know/follow for now!

if you have any questions, e-mail me at:

number of people have that have been here since 7/1/00: