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If You Are Here, You must be Really Bored...

This is a weird bunch of random stuff. I have no idea if anyone will be interested in it or not, but what the heck. What can it hurt?

This is a Pikachu snowman I made. There wasn't enough snow for a real snow man. I colored him with food coloring and frosting.

My halloween costume! Click for whole pic.

Another pic of my costume... I had a lightsaber, but it's not in the picture..

My buddy Claire. I fully developed this pic myself. I even developed the film!


Puzzles made by ME
Find your name in Japanese- Cool!
The dolls I made. (D'oh)
Poke Alex In The Eye: The Game
Naked Dancing Llama
Exploding Dog (Note: Has nothing to do with exploding dogs)
Mario Twins for the new Super ADHD
Fun quotes from IM conversations
The Corporation For Putting A Stop To Kitty Porn
Coloring books!
Mr. T Vs Everything
Devi pics

Craaazy Mad Libs Done by Tyler and Me whilst driving for long distances in Puerto Rico.
Page From An Analyst's Notebook
A Letter From Camp
Record Offer
Love Scene

If you 're really bored, you could email me!