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~An Eye Cry For You Page~

~By Pixie~

~MAY 16, 1979~APRIL 21, 1999~

Two people were in their own seperate cars today.
They didn't know each other in any single way.
Katherine was a passenger in her husband's car,
The other driver behind her wasn't very far.

They didn't meet each other by setting any date;
The way they came together was through the hands of fate,
Katherine chatted with her husband, she'd left her daughter home.
There is no way that what happened to her next she could ever have known.

The other driver, drunk, stupid and unaware,
Rearended Katherine's car, he came from out of nowhere!
And in that instant, lives were forever changed,
Plans and goals and dreams were soon to be rearranged.

Katherine fought the good fight, but her injuries were too severe,
And the sweet little angel was just isn't fair!
Gone were the dreams she had while still alive,
Like having another child when she turned twenty-five.

Never again will we hear her footsteps or her lovely voice...
Katherine left by someone's ignorance and not by her own choice!
She left behind a child, a daughter sweet and dear,
Who someday will ask someone "why isn't Mommy here?"

What do we tell this child when that day should arrive?
Do we tell her if a drunk had stayed home, her Mommy would be alive?
Please remember Katherine if you see someone drink too much!
Take away their keys, get them a taxi or a bus!!

Don't let drunk drivers tear innocent lives apart!
How many others have to die, before we all get smart?
To the families of the victims, I can only say,
You are in my thoughts and for you I will pray.

~ Marlene Porter~
~Updated March 21, 2001~

This World Was

With Katherine In It



Pixie's Place 2001

Marlene Fay Porter