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Girls and Girlfriends

Everyone wants to know about Paul's girlfriend, so I devoted this page to talk about Paul and girls.

Walker, who lives on a sailboat with his girlfriend and two-year old daughter, Meadow, also seems to have a classic surfer's laid back attitude to life.~ from an Australian magazine

Thanks to for this info.:
Paul is definitly not going out with Tara Reid. She is going out with Heath Ledger (in this weeks edition of US weekly) also Paul mentions in an interview with E! (about his new movie joyride) that he has a steady girlfriend and she isnt in the busniess so he will only say that her first name is Michelle.

     Paul has been seen around with actress Tara Reid (American Pie, Josie & The Pussy Cats....formally engaged to Carson Daly) and the two are reportedly dating (9/10/01). Here is a collage of pictures taken of them recently in Austrailia:

     The Internet Movie Database (IMdB) says that Paul is dating model/actress James King. (7/2/01)
Thanks to Cin for this info: "I thought I would let you know that in the July Issue of Twist Magazine it says that James King is dating an up and coming actor named Jake Gyllenhaal not Paul. Anyway I thought I would tell ya." Note: IMdB has taken that off of their site.(7/29/01)

     He was dating Bliss Ellis for awhile. They started dating on the set of Varsity Blues (she was an extra). She lives and goes to college in Texas. As far as I know they may still be together, but I heard that they broke up. As of last summer they were still together, as this article intro. demonstrates:

"Paul, a surfer boy at heart, takes it all with a grain of sand. The athletic 27-year-old star has just breezed into an offbeat diner in L.A.,accompanied by Bliss, a pretty blonde who vanishes within seconds. Clad in a T-shirt, mesh shorts and sneakers, Paul looks like an off-duty American Eagle Outfitters model. He's friendly,but it's a perfect summer day and you get the distinct impression that this Southern California born-and-raised dude would rather be doing many other things besides this interview--like, say, surfing, driving his sports car or testing his limits at some extreme sport."

Click to View Another Picture of Bliss

     He was also said to have been dating a Backstreet Boys backup dancer- but I don't think this is true. Because
A)Paul likes a certain type of girl, and just judging by the fact that she's a Backstreet Boys dancer I don't think he'd go for her- unless she's a smart, earthy, surfer girl at heart :o)
B)He's never mentioned her or been in pictures with her- in fact I haven't heard of her anywhere but the internet, and a lot of people lie on the internet.
     Paul said that he does have a girlfriend, whether or not it's Bliss or someone else I have no idea. And whether or not he's still with her, I also have no idea. Luckily for us, Paul isn't the committing type :o)

His Daughter:
The first time Paul talked about his daughter, Meadow, was in Premiere magazine earlier this year. Here is the excerpt:
"Aside from his two-year-old daughter (by an ex-girlfriend), however, Walker's true passion is the waves."

Since then, he has also said this about being a dad:
"His frequent movie date is Meadow, his 2 1/2-year-old daughter. "Animated movies are really up my alley," said Walker, who lives in Los Angeles. So far this summer he's seen "Shrek" and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire," and he gives them both favorable reviews."

"I'm into being a dad, that's where my focus is most of the time. I'm an actor that's my job, but it's not my life. I have a lot of other interests too. I'm into ceramics. I love to take pictures."

Paul on Other Actresses:
"[On dating actresses] I won't deal with them. They scare me. I've met a few I admire, like LeeLee Sobieski. I like Selma Blair alot, too. Marley Shelton is really sweet. On the surface, most of the girls seem super-confident and they carry themselves like that. But, underneath, you find someone who's really vulnerable and insecure because this buisness puts people throught the ringer. The things they hear about themselves really affect them. I feel for them, but I dont know if I can deal with them."

Q: What did you think when Leelee praised your naked body in a Movieline interview just after she finished filming Squelch with you?
A: "I was flattered- especially coming from Leelee. I like her alot. After that story came out, we unexpectedly ended up doing reshoots for Squelch and there was a bit of awkardness at first, but i ran right up to her and hugged her sayin', "Thank you SOO Much!!" I thanked her maybe a hundred times because it was flattering. I love her. Everythings blown up for her and I hope she stays how she is. She's got a good head on her shoulders."

"I'd worked with Marley Shelton in Pleasantville and shes just really cool. I ended up liking Chris Klein a hell of a lot- a really funny guy. Penelope Cruz I have a bit of a crush on- She's hot. I have this thing for accents. She looks even better in person. Wes Bently is a cool kid, too."

I love Sophie Marceau and Julia Ormond. They're insanely beautiful and I think they're good actresses, too. I'm really excited to work with Jordana Brewster on Redline [since re-titled to The Fast and The Furious], my next movie.But Im told its not a good idea to get involved with someone your working with. I haven't done that yet. I If things run amok, you think, oh no, we've got to work together for another couple months.

What Paul Looks For in a Girl:
"Someone who's adventurous about whatever, whenever, a free-spirit who wants to live life to the fullest. I come up with some pretty zany ideas, and I'm usually over a girl when she objects. I'm not gonna hold anyone back, and I don't want to feel like anyone's holding me back."

"[After being accused of only liking brunettes] Oh, Im not prejudiced. I like blonds and redheads, too(laughs.)"

"I love girls in sheer sundresses and Birkenstocks, or cropped tops and maybe a little belly chain. I really like the natural, earthy kind of chick. I love spirally hair- red, brown, I don't care. I'm not prejudiced! No make-up. Low-maintenance. Easygoing. Smart as hell. And she's gotta love music."

"I have a tummy fetish, so I like girls who have nice, flat tummies and wear cropped tops with faded 501’s – the thrift store kind – and maybe some Birkenstocks and a belly chain."

Paul's Girl Fans (now and then):
"You'd think that you'd become more secure, more confident, but it makes me far more insecure, especially with girls. Now, I head trip myself and I'm like, "Wait, is she checking me out because she thinks I'm cute or because she reconizes me?" I'd rather just be anonymous."

"I don't feel like I need to watch what i say or do, but it's weird just having people stare at you. Like, I wish they'd just come up and say something sometimes, but then again I'm glad they don't. The most bizzarre thing, though is when people don't go, 'Oh are you that guy in Varsity Blues?', but they ask you straight up, 'Are you Paul Walker?'. That's when you're like, 'Whoa wait a second.'"

"I was totally aware of it and I was running all recess long from girls. They were aggressive. The chasing stopped around fifth grade but then it started up again a few years later."

"I used to think that girls always found me attractive if I just turned up my charm. I can schmooze with the best of 'em. Now I'll be thinking that everything's going well and 90 percent of the time, the girl will snap her fingers and go, "You're that guy from the movies, aren't you?" and I'll be like, "Oh, man." So I think maybe I wasn't doing that well. Maybe she recognized me from the very beginning and just liked me for the fame. That really bums me out. It's like if they think I'm like the guy in the movies, they may not even care to notice the rest of me. I'd rather have someone not want to have anything to do with me because I'm an actor, then I win her over."

"I guess I was popular, I was involved in sports a lot, and I dated a cheerleader. But I hung out with all sorts of people. I hung out with the nerds too. I liked to play guitar."

How Paul Treats Girls:
Im terrible. Bad. I don't even know if we should talk about this stuff. I love girls, bottom line. I wouldn't give up too much of my time for a girl who requires too much time, who dosen't really understand that im a "toys r us" kid. If she wants to play, then right on- it's going to be awesome because we could do alot of stuff together. But the second anyone tries to give me structure, no way. I wouldn't give up being a kid, and I want to be with someone who enjoys being a kid, too. I want to be the spokesperson for Toys "R" us. Im the guy who dosen't want to grow up.

Paul's Dating Future:
Q: Do you think you'll ever get married?
A: "I'm 27 but I'll always be happy like this. I wonder if it's just because people keep telling people that they need to grow up. On the other hand, I might feel this way because Im up-and-coming, some people find me attrictave, things are good, and I have a bit of money, I drive around in a nice car. I'm at the top of my game right now. Maybe when I get older things wont look as good. (Laughs) I might not be able to get a date for the life of me."
uhh....yeah sure Paul :o)