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~Oh Mother, my mother~

Oh Mother, my mother

I touch your tears

invisible fingers

soothing your skin

I know you think of me so often

in the day, in the night,

in your dreams

going into an empty nursery

knowing I'll never be there

but I your heart

in your soul, I shall always be

for you gave so unselfishly

of yourself

Inside of you, you created

such a world for me

a world of laughter, of love

of sadness, of sorrow

every emotion people come to know

you shared with me

And even though I may never

feel your arms around me

I felt your heart beating,

like a lullaby, singing me to sleep

and your spirit giving me a safe haven

already protecting me

nurturing me

preparing me of things to come.

But sometimes the journey

of life pulls souls apart

and yes, I had to go on

to another place.

I wish I could stay

I wish this was a decision

I could make

and I know you do too.

Know this wherever you are:

I will always remember

that yours was the first love

the first joy, the first soul

I will ever know

you gave me the courage to

go on in my journey

I hope I can do the same

for you

Your heart beat will always

call me to you.

Love, your child

I recieved this poem with the professional pictures

they gave me in the hospital. Unknown Author.


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was

walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the

sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene,

noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one

belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He

noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints. He also notic-

ed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest

times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord

about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to

follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I

have noticed that during the most troublesome times

in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I

don't understand why when I needed you most you

would leave me."

The Lord replied,"My child, My precious child, I

love you and I would never leave you. During your

times of trail and suffering, when you see only one

set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

~Author Unknown~

When David's Dad and Rose came to visit us

he saw on our wall my portrait of Footprints, he

told me that he always liked this poem, it is my

favorite too. This poem reminds me of all of us

mother's who have loss a child and that God is

always with us to guide our path.

~ Twenty-Third Psalm ~

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want

He maketh me to lie down in

green pastures;

He leadth me beside the

still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth

me in the paths of rightousness

for His name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the

valley of the shadow of death, I

will fear no evil: for Thou art

with me; thy rod and thy staff

they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me

in the presence of mine enemies:

Thou anointest my head with oil,

my cup runneth over. Surely

goodness and mercy shall follow

me all the days of my life: and I

shall dwell in the house of the

Lord forever.

The Twenty-Third Psalm was on David's obituary
~A Mother's Anguish~

She walks with grace

no flaw to alter her face

head high, feet foward

she cried so much that morning

her face was hot from the tears

she dreamed the night before

that she she ran in her sleep

trying to get back what once was hers.

You would never know her thoughts

unless you looked deep into her

light brown eyes, her pain is hidden

so no one would see the anguish she

feels, a mother's anguish

only she would know.

When she talks its in a whisper

words are real, although she'd rather cry

Her tears are warm

as they trinkle down her face

she thinks WHY did it have to happen to me.

You would never know her thoughts

she keeps it locked up tight in her heart

her heart has a piece missing, it left

an angel took it to heaven.

She's solemn and soft

at night when she's alone

she cries herself to sleep

thinking just maybe she's living a dream

She wakes with her heart is broken in many pieces

then she must put her mask back on for the world.

You would never know her thoughts

unless you looked deep into her

light brown eyes, her pain is hidden

so no one would see the anguish she

feels, a mother's anguish

only she would know.

~Nicole Venning-Savage~
This poem is
property of David's Mommy
Copyright@copy 2001
~Allrights reserved~

If you like it please e-mail me permisssion

first and if you use it on you page please give

credit to me. Thank You.

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~The song that is playing is November Rain

by Guns and Roses. The significance of this song is

that David's due date was November and so I cried

all November because he was not born in November.

I've always liked this song anyways.~

The background on this page were made by Pumkin Graphics!

~I lifted this Precious Moments graphics

from Pumkin Graphics, she has some great graphics

for any site, she also has two websites for her

sons. Check it out, it's worth the time.~

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