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My Daddy's Page

This is me hanging out in someone's backyard.

This is my page to my son, David, who I was so

excited about. David shares the name as my father

and I. It was to be a joyous occasion for me to have

my first son and the fact we share the same name. As

my wife told you she picked out the name Jesus to be

included in his name. She believed in that God would

bless us with a son and all the year round and so

she made a promise to our Lord that he would have

the name Jesus in his name.

When I was paged and was told to come to the hospi-

tal's Labor and Delivery and that Nicole was there,

I just knew something was wrong, it was to early. I

was heartbroken and felt WHY. My wife was so sick

and this had to happen. It just so happened my

cousin was in town and so I called him and he, his

girlfriend, and my Aunt came over to be with me.

It was a hard time because here was my wife laying

in this bed and I couldn't do anything to help her.

She had never given birth before and didn't know how

to push or breath. She did very good though, she

did something that was amazing after just learning

her son had passed.

Getting prepared to lay my son to rest was the hard-

thing Nicole and I ever had to do. We hope never to

do it again. Before she was discharged from the hos-

pital I went and got my second tatoo, which is the

symbol they put outside my wife's door after giving

birth. They put it out there so that the nurses know

not to come in and check for vital signs. This is my

way of coping, getting that tatoo and so now I will

be adding on to it 'In Loving Memory of David Alan

Jesus Savage, III August 9, 2000', it will go around

the symbol. I tried to be there for my wife through

this but she was very solemn and didn't want to be

around anyone so I let her come to me when she was

ready. It's still hard for her now but she has been

trying to deal with it the best way she knows how.

The day of the viewing was extremely hard because

we were going to see our son for the last time. We

got there and right when we stepped in Nicole

couldn't hold back the tears. I had to be strong for

her but she was all to pieces. We went in the back

room first with her mother and grandmother as every-

one would come through and give their condolences

and it was hard for her because when we walked in

the room Nicole started to cry loudly and was over-

welmed with how everything looked. Kevin came to us

the day before and told us what to expect, I guess

she forgot as she was in shock. I didn't know what

to think as I saw my son laying in his casket with

all the things Nicole and I bought for him and there

was my wife about to faint. I all I could do was

gather her up, I was hurting inside to go through

this for the first time. I watched my wife vomit for

months while she was pregnant with David and I was

scared something would happen to her or the baby.

It did, and it was out of my control. I'm angry

because I didn't get to know my son as my wife did

and get to see him look up at me and smile and know

I'm his Daddy. That is something to behold. As

people came pass us to give us their condolences,

I'm not sure if my wife was aware of everyone around

her because she was just staring at David and I was

not really there either. I just wanted to go and be

with my wife and grieve together, but she was some-

where else. I wish I knew what she was thinking then

because she cried all the time.

We went into the room alone because Nicole wanted to

hold David one last time and so Kevin took him out

slowly and told Nicole how to hold him as if she

held him wrong some stuff will emerge from his

mouth. So she held him gently but wanted to hug him.

She and I cried as we looked at our son, he was so

beautiful, I couldn't believe we actually made this

wonderful being. He looked like both of us which was

astonishing to me, he had my hands and ears and

Nicole's lips, nose, and chin. The eyes was a mix-

ture. Then Nicole had to put him back, that was hard

for her to do. We had asked her mother to come in

there and take pictures of us with him and so she

did. The next morning it was the funeral. We went to

the funeral home early that morning around 8 or 9

and we went in to look at our son one more time.

They kept it open all night I think just in case we

wanted to come back that night, but Nicole was ex-

huasted and went to bed later that night before our

last goodbye to our son the next day.

The day of the funeral, it was a little breezy out-

side but hot. Nicole's best-friend, Joy, came down

that morning to be here for her. We all went in the

same car and got there. As I drove up Nicole start-

ed crying before we turned into the cemetary, I had

to hold it together because I was driving. As we

parked Nicole saw his casket and all the flowers

around, especially ours, the one we bought, it was

was so pretty on his casket and I think that is why

she cried so much. She knew this was the day we put

our son to rest. He was going to go in the ground.

She and I were going to say goodbye one last time,

she kept rocking back and forth holding on to a

teddy bear that she was going to put on his grave.

Nicole carried him for 6 months and it was hard for

her to let go. Father Timothy said some verses from

the bible and Sean, Nicole's brother, said some too.

Then we sang Amazing Grace. The other day when

Nicole and I went to pick out his spray for his

grave, she saw an Angel with her arms spread out and

she wanted it to put on his grave and the lady who

owns the shop told us that this same Angel had a

music box on it, so we bought it. She wanted it to

be by his casket at the funeral. So everytime we go

out there to visit him we take the Angel along and

play the song, it plays Amazing Grace. We knew it

would be sung at the funeral because Father Timothy

came by the day before and talked with us what we

would like at his funeral. Then came the time to put

him in the ground. I lifted his casket up and walk-

ed it over to his grave and put him in and in the

background Nicole had saw this and started to cry

some more after seeing me do this. Kevin asked her

if she wanted to go over and watch this, she said

no at first then yes. As she walked over she saw me

pick up the shovel and shovel the dirt into the

ground. The cemtary consultant told us days before

that when a parent or both does this it means clos-

ure, Nicole was to weak to help and I wanted to do

it, this is how I felt close to him even though she

had the benifit of knowing him the longest and more

closely. One of Nicole's mother's close friend

thought it would be a good idea to pick a flower and

put it in the grave with him. Nicole went first and

everyone followed. I filled the grave all by myself.

Nicole told me all she wanted to do was be in there

with him, just crawl in there with him and stay. She

knew she couldn't so she knelt on the ground and

cried. I hugged her and held her tight as Joy was

near to comfort her and her family was with her.

I wish I had more time with him and gotten to know

him, Nicole wishes that everyday and I know how much

pain she is in. Sometimes I hear her say 'I went

through all that sickness for nothing and look what

do I have to show for it, my picc line marks and my

stretch marks', then she apologizes to the Lord for

forgetting her faith. We are now planning on having

another baby. Hopefully we will be blessed this time

around and nothing bad will happen to either of them

is my prayer. Nicole's is that and she is so scared

of having Hyperemesis Gravidarum again, I don't

blame her for being scared, that was awlful to watch

a loved one go through. The TPN helped her and the

baby stay alive, but because the antimetic wasn't in

her bag David died, Nicole probably would of too.

If Nicole hadn't had the TPN, David wouldn't have

weighed as much as he did, he had a weight size for

the right size he was suppose to be at and more.

~The raindrops represent my tears that I cry for my


This is my Dad and I, we were in Virginia Beach when

we took this picture on a boat. We went fishing with

with my step-mother, Rose. Later that day we went

to Ocean Breeze Fun Park to the race cars. My father

and Rose love racing. The picture was taken in 8/98.

This is us for our Christmas picture, David is miss-

ing out of this picture. It would have be perfect.

It is very hard for Nicole to smile in this picture

as it was for me since David wasn't there. Nicole

wanted his first pictures to be taken there, we

went to The Picture People for this photo and she

couldn't wait for his newborn pictures to be taken.

The graphics I got fromChrys's Background Bazzar!

~The song that is playing is I'll Be Missing You by Puff Daddy, he is one of my favorite rap artist. That is how I feel about my son, I will be missing him all the days of my life as my wife will.~