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To my Someone,

Wherever you are, I am. Whatever I think, you’re there. I wish I could see you, I wish I could meet you. When will you come visit? When shall I see this magickal, mystical someone just for me? I’ve had many men, but they never seemed right. I think I’ve been waiting for you for my whole entire life. Please come near me, hold me, touch me, kiss me. I long for a sign, some magickal sign to tell me when, where, who. I want him, I need him. My someone will know me better than anyone else; he’ll look like a dream. With light brown hair, hazel eyes, slight muscular build. He’ll be unique and crazy in his own little way that only him and I will know. We can just sit there silently for hours upon end and leave thinking it was the best conversation we’ve ever had. We won’t always have to be serious and sensual, we can just go out and have fun. Go to a water park, go to a bowling alley, and whatever else slips into our minds. We’re best friends my someone and I. No one can break our mutual bond no matter how much they try. My someone is out there just waiting for me. I’m waiting for my someone to come to me. Me and my someone. My someone and me.

Love Forever,

A Poem By: