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Jodi's Place

Click for Milford, Massachusetts Forecast

Greetings! Glad to see that you've decided to enter "my playground." Let me give you a little info about me... My name is Jodi. I'm from Massachusetts. I'm a 1988 graduate from Leominster High School & a 1996 graduate from Sierra Nevada College in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, where I had earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Humanities with a minor in English/Literature.

I'm happily married to a wonderful man named Michael & we have 2 boys, but only one is here with us. If scroll down the page, you'll get to read about our boys, Nicholas & Hunter.

On February 28th, 1998, my hubby & I became "parents". We adopted a kitten named Onyx. She's black with a little patch of white on her neck. She's very playful, adorable, and loves people! We celebrate her birthday every July 15th!! Happy Birthday, Onyx!

On August 6th, 2008, we had to put Onyx down as she was very sick and weak. She could barely walk and when she was carried to our bed, she would just fall over and lay there. We are saddened by this, but Onyx lived a good life of 11 years and now she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was the best cat we could ever have. We love her and miss her!

Our lives have been filled with so many emotions. We've had lots of happiness & love, but also we've also had our share of sorrow.

On December 15th, 1998, I gave birth to a beautiful angel named Nicholas Michael. He weighed 8 lb. 14 oz. & 21 inches. He had dark curly brown hair, but didn't know his eye color. He was a full term stillborn baby at 41 weeks gestation. His cause of death is unknown & we don't care to know what happened. The pain is in the past & it belongs there. We dealt with it & have moved on with our lives. Below is a picture of Nicholas

We were once again happy, more like blessed, when I gave birth to our second son, Hunter. He was born on June 2nd, 2000. He weighed 8 lb. 11 oz. & 20 1/2 inches. Again, another boy with dark curly brown hair. Hunter is almost the spitting image of his big brother, Nicholas. Isn't he a little cutie patootie? Look at them cheeks!! Too darn cute!

Here are some family pictures of us that were taken in August, 2001

I like all sorts of music & I'm a big sports fan, too. I like football, hockey, and soccer. Here's the logo of my favorite soccer team. Click on it to check out their site

This is a special gift given to me from a good friend of mine, LadyJ, to show how I am a survivor in life. Click on the graphic below to go to her website to get one of her survivor gifts

My friend, Debbie, who has a great site called "Born Angels", gave me this great banner to put on my page to show my strength & courage of all that I've endured. Click on graphic to see her site.

Here is little Kaitlin. I adopted her from the Net-Pet Baby Adoption Center. If our next baby is a girl, we want to name her Kaitlin. If you would like your own Net-Pet Baby, click on Kaitlin's picture to go to the adoption site.

Meet Malachi, Max, Ottie, & Sir Jake. They were on a website looking to be adopted on to someone else's page. Since I do have a cat at home & I'm partial to dogs, I couldn't resist their cute little faces & adopted them here. The woman who is behind the "adoption process" is LadyJ. You can click on either Malachi, Max, Ottie, or Sir Jake's picture to find out about how you can adopt a cat or dog to your own web site.

Two awards that I got for my site. They both came from LadyJ (the wonderful lady that I adopted my 4 pets from). Are these pretty or what? Click on either award to go to her website.

Check this out!! I won my first award for my site!! WOOHOO!!!

Please take the time to remember those who have been a victim of child abuse in some way, shape, or form. Below are 2 angels that I adopted in loving memory of my friend, Heidi's son, Jeremy Patrick Landeck. Jeremy was murdered by his own father back in July, 2000 at 8 weeks old.

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