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Education Ethics

Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff



The purpose of this site is to help the student or other interested party become aware of the ICC/DBB or associated educational system.

From the administrative perspective (inclusive of the employer, the customer, and similar authoritative perspectives) this educational system is preferred because it creates supportive team interactive personnel providing useful abilities, rather than personnel that can simply pass tests for personal purposes. This has been evidenced in many areas such as benchmarking, quality ensurance, cost-effectiveness, turn around speed, and overall superb success.

From the student perspective, the ethics and the educational system as expressed herein focuses on the student rather than focusing on the procedure, making learning better, easier, faster, and in general of higher quality. After many years of traditional educational provided by others, our students not only find this system a breath of fresh air, but also nearly too good to be true.


Optimal Methodology is the system framework, and it is used to infuse education that is useful, via Optimal Learning.

Optimal Learning defined, is per textbook analysis for educators (that is, people learn by doing, seeing, hearing, and per other senses; and by mental activities), and via desire to learn [Note: Dr. Bob Benchoff received Ethics Committee Chair Whitehouse Commendations (click for applicable welcome page) on same].

Desire to learn can be an automatic or learned trait. Desire on an absolute reasoning scale is found among Christian leaders, and is found on a relative scale among addicts.

Therefore Optimal Learning depends on the intense desire to learn and on doing, along with supportive areas as described above.


Therefore, the traditional professor role is removed from the learning equation as much as practical. That is, the educational system including administration, staff, faculty, building, desks, chairs, textbooks, computers, and similar are removed from the equation as they are dross not associated with Optimal Learning (except when applicable to useful learning involving same).

For the student to Optimally Learn, from their perspective, the administration, staff, faculty, and so on are mostly replaced with that which is conducive to their Optimal Learning.

Replacements include such areas as (per typical scenario) project orientation counseling (student (and/or student team) selects projects of great interest to them personally), impetus guidance (counselor orientation of student toward the optimal (as inherent to system) path per given selections), outline preparation by student (graded with improvement suggestions), student modification of proposal with supportive itenerary with schedule submission [student advances at their own rate, inclusive of future and/or past applicable matters] (in other words, students details how they will physically personally accomplish the project), professor approval (student goes on project, such as setup meetings and meet with certain Fortune 500 personnel to discuss proposal), student reporting to professor, professor analysis and recommendations, student process of building on success.

This differs from life experience in that life experience per se is without applicable guidance and is randoom, whereas in our Optimal Learning System the student is guided into using what they learned or will learn for Optimal Success.


Copyright laws apply, and this information is published internationally and is freely available.

If you would like your institution accredited according to and as described herein, please note your institution position and authority, and contact (USPS SASE) one of the following (donations appreciated, fees may apply) at 10037 Orchard Grass Court, Charlotte, NC 28278, USA:

  • ICC/DBB, Christian studies, designing, planning, standardization.
  • College of Advanced Studies, liberal arts & sciences, Internet computerization.
  • VGC, law, medical, psychological, biocybernetics, government.
  • National Banking & Brokering, financial, socio-economics.
  • A Check Exact, high tech metals testing, drug testing, international standardization, personnel certifications, optimization.

    Our Optimal Learning System may be used as your system, or as a supplement to your system, for instance A Check Exact uses it as a supplement since they are also required per their Written Practice per their QA Manual to meet MIL-STD-410/SNT-TC-1A/ASNT.

    For the related Bachelors, Masters, and Doctors Degrees List, click here (NB&B Degree List used by ICC/DBB).


    To visit the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.