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Sample Self Initiotion into Wicca

Special note:  Best done at a full moon.  Prepare yourself with at least one hour of silence before beginning this ritual of dedication to the pagan way.  Either wear a magickal robe or go nude.  Have a magickal name chosen for yourself.  Do NOT do a self-initiation into Wicca unless you are CERTAIN this is the path you wish to follow.  This is a HUGE step and you must be sure.  You must also have studied Wicca for a long time and know just about everything there is to know about Wicca.  The traditional study period before initiation within covens is One year and One day.  I hope you take your time and do not rush into this.
Altar Supplies:  Dagger, chalice of water, chalice of wine, salt, burner, incense, white taper candle in cauldron, piece of magick jewelry, some scented oil, apentacle, and 4 element candles

With casting the circle as your basic starting point, perform the ritual on my page  Spellcraft Page for Beginners  and when you are finished opening the circle you do the following:

Put a pinch of salt (epsome salt and believe me it does NOT taste good) on your tongue and (attempt to) say:
 I am a mortal, loved and cared for by the triple Goddess and the great God.  Through the great mother, all things are born; to her, all things in their season return.  through her sacred cauldron, I enter and leave this physical world, until by my actions I no longer must return to learn.

Set the perfumed oil on the pentacle.  Kneel before the altar and say:
 I, (Magickal Name), come into this sacred place willingly.  I come to dedicate my life to the pagan way, to the Old Celtic Gods (or whatever you believe in), whose power is still strong and vital.  Here Igive my word to follow the ancient paths that lead to true wisdom and knowledge.  I will serve the great goddess and give reverence to the Great God, I am a pagan(or wicca), a stone of the ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon the earth, yet open to the winds of the heavens, and enduring through time.  May the Old Celtic Gods witness my words!

Rise and go to the eastern quarter and say:
 Behold o powers of air!  I (magickal name), am a follower of the lord and lady!

Go to the South
 Behold o powers of Fire!  I (Magickal Name), am a follower of the lord and lady!

(Make sure when you are doing this you are taking your time and feeling the elements presence wherever you are)
Go to the west and say:
 Behold O powers of Water!  I, (Magickal name), am a follower of the lord and lady!

Go to the North and say:
 Behold o powers of Earth!  I, (Magickal Name), am a follower of the lord and lady!

Return to the altar.  Take the perfumed oil and with a drop on your forefinger of your power hand, anoint your forhead and say:
 Let my mind be open to your truth.
Anoint your upper lip and say:
 Let my mouth be silent among the unbelievers
Anoint your Heart and say:
 Let my heart seek you always
Anoint the center of the palms of your hands and say:
 Let my hands lift in praise of you.
Anoint the top of your feet and say:
 Let my feet always walk your secret paths.

Stand in silence to recieve a blessing for a little bit and then lay your piece of jewelry on the pentacle saying:
 This emblem I shall wear for all things Magickal.
 Bless this (Name of Jewelry), o great ones, that I may be blessed and protected in all ways

Place the wine chalice on the pentacle for a few moments then lift it high saying:
 To the Old Gods!  Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

Drink the wine, saving some to put out for the little people.

Now it is time for the meditation.  Do a meditation on what good you can do and on the ways of wicca and things you know about or anything to relax and stablize your mind.  Meditation is however you want to concieve it.  After you are done meditating you will close the circle and dismiss the elements and deities you used in your right.  Closing the circle is also on my spell page
 Spellcraft Page for Beginners

Hope all this helped and if you have any questions let me know!

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