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Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). Is a term found by Dr. Rudolf Tischner but made popular by Dr. J.B. Rhine of Duke University. ESP is also known as the sixth sense. ESP covers six parapsychological events-

Telepathy: Communication through brain waves.

Precognition: Knowing future events.

Phychokinesis: Moving objects with your mind. (telekinesis)

Phychometry: Seeing the history of an object with your thoughts.

Retrocognition: The seeing of past events.

Clairvoyance: Seeing/hearing things that nowone else can. OR Seeing dead people.

Telekinesis(TK), often called psychokinesis, is basically the ability to move an object on the physical position using only psychic power, which means using your brain and thoughts to control objects. A man named Uri Geller says he can stop watches and bend spoons using only his thoughts to control the objects. He discovered his powers when he was around five. One day during a meal, his spoon curled up in his hand, although he had not applied any physical force. He is also known to have telepathy. There are many things you can do with telekinesis. I read that we are all born with this skill. It’s like all our other senses. We just ignore it. I have also learned a good quote out of this to prove this is not evil practice, the quote is "As ye harm none, do what ye will." I’m sure this means you can be free to do whatever you want as long as you don’t harm or hurt anyone.

I belive this really does work, from reading peoples experiences. Even though most people don't. TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push an object or pull it inward. Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something falls over or objects fly around a room, mistaken for a ghost when its a person with telekinetic powers.

I’ve read that almost anyone can control their power and use it with the proper practice. (for ex: meditation) It takes years of practice. One man I read about took him about two years of practice. I’ve read and have learned that telekinesis is something we all inherently have. We just don’t use it. In fact, we all have psychic abilities, but we haven’t learned to use them yet.

We don't use our entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We only use about 10% of it. We all use some of our total psychic ability, but far from all of it. Some of us just know when something it going to happen, or get a sense of whether a person you just met is of a bad or good character. All of these are uses of the psychic power. Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that we don’t use.

Anyone can do anything if they just put their mind to it, they just have their difficulties. Just the same, almost anyone can learn telekinesis with proper practice of your natural psychic abilities. The only thing that stops you is not believing in yourself.

If you want to learn more about this topic, go to Telekinesis World and you’ll find lots of information.

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