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Spell Craft Page
(For Beginners)

Introduction into the craft of Wicca.  The page will include spells for many different things, ritual spells, opening the circle ritual, closing the circle ritual, candle spells, herbs used during spells, a list of dieties.  Most of this page will be focused on the Celtic beliefs and faerie elements.  The page will also include a table of elementals, cauldron magick, gain money spell, gain prophecies spell, rid yourself of negatives spell, gain love spell, binding trouble maker spell.  Also introduction to Stone Magick and an intense table for incenses and which scents to use for what purpose.  Enjoy your stay in the Celtic/Wiccan pantheon and keep in mind that these spells must NOT be abused or twisted to make evil in ANY way shape or form.

Section One:  Preparing for magick

Begin preparing for your ritual by collecting all of the necessary items that you will be needing.  Most common tools include but are not limited to:  Dagger, Wand, candles (for each point), chalice of wine and water, epsom salt (in many cases is necessary), a pentacle, incence and burner, cauldrom, sword, robes, stones, herbs and of course an altar to place all this on.  Sometimes a witch will feel more comfortable with a piece of wiccan/pagan jewelry on when they perform the spells.  This is also a good thing to have when doing your spell.
Continue preparing for your ritual or spell by concentrating or meditating.  Relaxing your mind and body is an important step in spell craft.
Next you will need to open your circle before you can begin with the spell.  Opening the circle is a somewhat lengthy procedure that dispells all evils from your area of work and invites the dietydeities of your choice to assist you on your magickal workings.

Opening the Circle

Fire - South
Water - West
Earth - North
Air - East
Spirit - Above, Below, Within
Sample Ritual:  Put everything you will need for your altar and spellworking inside the ritual area.  The candles of the four Elements in Celtic magick are red: east, white: South, grey: west and black: north.  In Wiccan tradition it is - Yellow: east, Red: south, Blue: west, and dark green for the north.  I will be using the Wiccan colors for the sample ritual.  Check what you are wearing during the ritual.  Many people like to wear robes and some braver souls enjoy wearing absolutely nothing which is called Skyclad.  You may wear whatever feels comfortable to you.  Make the Altar in the center of your 9ft. diameter circle facing east.  Play soft instrumental music to create your atmosphere.  Relax and center yourself.
Taking your magickal dagger in your power hand and starting in the east, visualize that powerful, protective, silver blue flame shooting from the tip of the ritual blade.  Aim it at the floor.  Move clockwise from the east drawing the imaginary boundary.  Remember to overlap the ends when you finish.  If you don't have a dagger, your pointer finger is acceptable as well.  While you are drawing the circle, say the following:
I consecrate this circle of power to the Ancient Gods
Here they may manifest and bless their child.
Move back to the altar facing east and raise your dagger or wand in greeting.  Say the following:
This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day.  I stand between the worlds, before the veil of the mysteries.  May the Ancient Ones help and protect me on my magickal journey.
Set the water chalice on the pentacle disk.  Hold your dagger over it and say:
Great Mother, bless this creature of water to your service.  May I always remember the cauldron waters of rebirth.
Hold your dagger over the salt and say:
Great Mother, bless this creature of Earth to your service.  May I always remember the blessed earth, its many forms and beings.
Sprinkle a little salt into the water chalice and hold the chalice up high and say:
Great Mother, I give you honor!

Beginning in the east and moving clockwise, sprinkle the water salt mixture lightly around the edges of the circle (Be sure never to exit the circle once you have begun the opening ritual and do not leave until you have closed the circle.)  Replace the chalice on the altar.  Hold your dagger over the lighted incense burner, saying:
Great Father, bless this creature of Fire to your service.  May I always remember the sacred fire that dances within the form of every creation.
Hold your dagger over the incense saying:
Great Father, bless this creature of Air to your service.  May I always listen to the spirit winds that bring me the voices of the Ancient Ones.
Put a little incense on the lighted charcoal (best to do rituals OUTdoors).  Hold the burner high and say:
Great Father I give you honor!
Carry the burner around the circle clockwise, beginning in the east.  Return it to the altar.  Now it is time to call the quarters.  Go to the eastern quarter of the circle.  Light the yellow candle and hold your hand up high in greeting (or dagger, wand or sword) and say:
I call upon you, Powers of Air, to witness this rite and to gaurd this circle.
Continue in this fasion clockwise (south, west, then ending in North) Return to the central altar facing east and raise your arms (or other item) in greeting:
This circle is bound
with power all around
between the worlds I stand
with protection at hand
Now you may proceed with your planned spellworkings.  Be sure to see how to close the circle when you are through with your spells.

Section 2: Sample Spells

Cauldron Magick - To Gain Money
Fill the cauldron half-full(or half empty depending on how you look at it) and drop a silver coin into it.  Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water (All spells best done on a full moon or nearly full moon)  Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver. While doing this, say:
Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring me your wealth right soon
Fill my hands with silver and gold, all you give, my purse can hold.
Repeat it three times and when finished, pour the water upon the Earth.

To Gain Prophecies
Fill the cauldron half-full with water and place it on a table where you can see comfortably into it while seated.  Light two purple candles and a good divinatory incense(mugwort and wormwood works well. see my table of incenses for proper ones to use) Arrange the candles so their light does not shine into the water or your eyes.  Focus your attention on the bottom of the cauldron, your hands placed lightly on either side.  Breathe gently into the water and say:
Cauldron, reveal to me that which I seek
Great Mother, open my inner eye that I may truly see
Empty your mind as much as possible, and remain relaxed while looking into the cauldrons waters.  The answers may come in images in the water, pictures in your mind and strong bursts of "knowing".  Best done during the "Waxing Moon"

To Rid Yourself of Negatives
Set and empty cauldron or goblet on your altar between two lit white candles.  Burn a good protection or blessings incense.  Robe yourself, preferably in white and stand of sit before the altar.  Breathe slowly and evenly until you are calm and centered.  Take the cauldron or goblet in both hands; hold high over the altar in salute to the gods.  Lower to chest level and slowly breathe into the cauldron, silently naming each habit, person or experience you wish removed from your life.  When finished, turn the cauldron or goblet upside down on the altar saying:
The contents of this vessel I give to thee
Great ones exchange these experiences for better. (or you may use whatever words suits the situation.. besides.. the more original in your own spellwork you are, the more likely it will work)
Place an offering of herbs and milk outside.  Or at least burn the herbs in your censer.  This ritual is best done during the Waning moon.

To Gain Love
TO MAKE A PERSON THINK OF YOU..... Relax infront of a white (Purification, Peace, truth...) candle, Pink (Love, Honor, Mortality) and Red (Passion, Sex, Courage...)and free your mind off all thoughts. Then with a clear mind visualize the person you want to think of you and visualize them in your presence. Say their name aloud several times and visualize them hearing you say their name... Do this for several minutes until you feel that you have gotten through to that person. (Keep in mind the dangers of love spells before performing any of them... they are the worst kind)Submitted by: TrukToille (melanie)Thanks!

To Bind a Trouble Maker
Perform this spell during the waning moon.  Situate the cauldron between two black candles, with a third black candle opposite you on the far side of the altar.  Burn a protection or binding incense.  Have the names of your enemies written on a small piece of parchment.  If the names are unknown, merely write "all my enemies".  Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron.
Bubble bubble, cauldron bubble
Burn the evil, destroy the trouble
Light the parchment from the central candle and drop it into the cauldron.  Take up the wand and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting:
Darkness ended, control is done
Light has come, my battle's won.
Take the ashes and herbs outside.  Throw them up to the winds and the moon.
Waning moon

Section 3:  Stone Magick

Keep your stones in a cloth bag large enough to get your hand inside.  until you have become attuned to the energies of the stones, handle each one frequently, mentally seeking its assistance and knowledge.  It is advisable to have more than one stone of each color.  Its not necessary that they be cut or polished.  In fact, the best kind are those that you have found while walking on a path and picked up off the ground.  When you feel that you are ready to accept the stones, take them to your altar on a full moon for consecration.  The altar should be covered in white cloth and a white candle set on each end.  Burn a good consecration or blessings incense.
Lay your hands on the stones and say:
Stones of power, strong stones of lore,
Join with me, I do implore
Aid me in my magick spells
Bring me knowledge from deep wells
Stones of power, strong stones of lore,
Join with me I do implore
Pass the stones through the incense smoke and above the candle flames.  Store them in their special bag and leave on the altar overnight.

Color Symbolization of the Stones:
White:  Spiritual guidance, being directed to the right path, calmness, becoming centered, seeing past all illusions.  (Quartz, agate)
Red:  Courage to face a conflict or a test, energy, taking action (Garnet, red jasper, red agate, dark carnelian)
Pink:  Healing, true love, friendship (Rose quartz, agate)
Yellow:  Power of the mind, creativity of the mental nature, sudden changes (Amber, topaz, citrine)
Orange:  Change your luck, power, control of a situation (carnelian, jacinth)
Blue:  Harmony, understanding, journeys or moves (lapis, lazuli, labradorite)
Green:  Marraige, relationships, balance, practical creativity, particularity with the hands, fertility, growth  (jade, malachite amazonite)
Brown:  Earth Elementals, success, amplifies all Earth magick and psychic abilities, common sense (tiger eye, smoky quartz)
Black:  Binding, defense by repelling dark magick, reversing spells, general defense, pessimism, feeling bound (Jet, onyx, obsidian)
Purple:  Breaking bad luck, protection, psychic and spiritual growth, success in long range plans (amethyst, beryl, quartz)
Indigo:  Discovering past lives, Karmic problems, balancing karma, stopping undesirable habits or experiences (turquoise, amethyst, beryl)

Additional Stones of Value

Pyrite - Money, prosperity and total success
Moonstone:  Gaining occult power, soothing emotions, rising above problems
Rock Crystal:  Amplifier of magickal powers, psychic work, help with divination, amplifies all power during magickal work
Lodestone or a Magnet:  Drawing power, ability to attract what you want.

Section 4:  Candle Magick

Burning candles is a very old magickal art.  Celtic priests and priestesses used tallow lamps or rushes, also bonfires of certain woods.  The most commonly used candles are about six inches long and of the taper or square end variety.  Since many candle spells require that you let the candle burn out, it is wise to invest in solid holders, nonflammable, that are wide enough to catch any dripping wax.
There is one basic major rule in candle-burning: for reversing or removing, burn during the waning moon (dissappearing moon or after full moon until new moon) and for increasing or obtaining, burn during the waxing moon (after the new moon to the full moon)  Candles are sometimes used in conjunction with herbs and other spells.  Select a candle to represent your goal and with your ritual knife, carve your spell desires into it.  An appropriate oil is then used to anoint the candle.  Do this by placing a little oil in the palm of your power hand and rub the candle with a twisting motion.  If you desire something to come to you, rub the candle from the wick end to the bottom.  If you desire to remove something, rub from bottom to wick end.  Roll the oiled candle in the herbs and set it into the holder.  Hold your hands on each side of the candle and mentally pour thoughts of your aim into the candle.  When ready, light the candle and say:
Candle of power, candle of might
Create my desires here on this night
Power, stream from this candles fire.
Bring to me my heart's desire.
My words have strength, the victory's won
So say I, this spell is done.

Candle Colors and their uses:
Red:  Health, energy, strength, sexual potency, courage, will power, to conquer fear or laziness.
Pink:  Love, affection, romance, spiritual awakening, healing of the spirit, togetherness.
Yellow:  Intellect, imagination, power of the mind, creativity, confidence, gentle persuasion, action, attraction, concentration, inspiration, sudden changes.
Orange:  encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, sudden changes, control, power, to draw good things, change luck.
Green:  Abundance, fertility, good fortune, generosity, money, wealth, success, renewal, marriage, balance.
Blue:  Truth, inspiration, wisdom, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, happiness, peace, fidelity, harmony in the home, patience.
Purple:  Success, idealism, higher psychic ability, wisdom, progress, protection, honors, spirit contact, break bad luck, drive away evil, divination.
Brown:  Attract money and financial success, influence Earth Elementals, concentration, balace, ESP, intuition, study.
Black:  Reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, discord, protection, releasing, repel dark magick and negative thoughtforms.
White:  Purity, spirituality and greater attainments in life, truth, sincerity, power of a higher nature, wholeness.
Magenta:  Very high vibrational frequency that tends to work fast, so usually burned with other candles, quick changes, spiritual healing, exorcism.
Indigo:  Meditation, neutralize another's magick, stop gossip, lies or undesirable competition, balance out karma.
Gold or Very clear light yellow:  Great fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, attracts higher influences, male deity powers.
Silver or very clear light gray:  Removes negative powers, victory, stability, meditation, develop psychic abilities, female deity powers.

Section 5:  Table of Elementals

Air:  rulers - Sylphs, Zephyrs and Fairies who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes, and mountains.
King - Paralda
Attracted by: Oils and incenses
Color and direction - red or yellow (east)
Magickal tools - wand, incense, creative visualization
Symbols - Sky, wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees
Ritual Work - dawn, sunrise, spring, knowledge, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal knowledge, plant growth, intellect, thought, ideas, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things, movement, psychic abilities

Earth:  Rulers - Gnomes, Dwarfs, and Trolls who inhabit the interior of the Earth and are the precious gems, minerals and the Earth itself
King - Ghob or Gob or Ghom
Attracted by - Salts and powders
Color and Direction - Black or Green (North)
Magickal tools - Pentagram, salt, images, stones, gems, trees, cord magick
Symbols - rocks and gemstones, mountains, plains, fields, soil, caves and mines.
Ritual work - night, midnight, Winter, riches, treasures, surrendering self will, touch, empathing, incorporation, business, prosperity, employment, stability, success, fertility, money.

Fire:  Rulers- Salamanders, Firedrakes, the consciousness of flames
King - Djin
Attracted by - Candles, lamps, incense, fire
Color and Direction - White or Red (South)
Magickal tools - Dagger, lamp or candles, censer, burned herbs or requests on paper
Symbols - Lightning, volcanoes, rainbow, sun, stars
Ritual work - Summer, noon ,freedom, change, sight, perception, vision, illumination, learning, love, will, passion, sexuality, energy, authority, healing, destruction and purification.

Water:  Rulers - Nymphs, Undines, Mermaids and Mermen who live in the sea, lakes streams, and springs and Fairies of the lakes, ponds and streams.
King - Niksa or Necksa
Attracted by:  Water, washes, solutions
Color and Direction - Gray or blue (West)
Magickal tools - Cauldron, goblet, mirrors, sea
Symbols - oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, springs, pools, rain, mist, fog
Ritual work - Fall, sunset, plants, healing, emotions, taste, smell, absorbing, communion with the spiritual, purification, the subconscious mind, love, emotions, pleasure, friendships, marriage, fertility, happiness, sleep, dreams, the psychic.

Table of Incenses

Anointing:  acacia, angelica, carnation, cinquefoil, frakincense, jasmine, lavender, lily of the valley, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, vervain.
Balance:  jasmine, orange, rose
Banishing or Releasing:  cedar, clove, cypress, patchouli, rose, rue, violet, betony, elder, fern, mugwort, St. Johnswort, vervain, yarrow.
Binding:  apple, cayenne, dragon's blood, cypress, pine, pepper, rowan, wormwood.
Blessing, Consecration:  carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary, elder, rue.
Changes:  peppermint, dragons blood, woodruff.
Clairvoyance, Divintation:  cinnamon, lilac, acacia, laurel, eyebright, honeysuckle, marigold, mugwort, nutmeg, rose, thyme, wormwood, yarrow, dittany of Crete, hazel, moonwort, rowan.
Creativity:  honeysuckle, lilac, lotus, rose, vervain, wild cherry, savory.
Cursing:  blackthorn, elder, pepper.
Determination, Courage:  allspice, musk, rosemary, dragon's blood, mullein.
Energy, Power, Strength:  allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, cinquefoil, frankincense, lotus, musk, thyme, dragon's blood, mullein.
Exorcism:  bay, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, cedar, fern, mullein, pepper, rue, St. Johnswort, wormwood, yarrow.
Good Luck, Fortune, Justice:  cedar, lotus, mint, vervain, violet, nutmeg, bayberry, cinnamon, cinqufoil, honeysuckle, chamomile, jasmine, yellow dock.
Happiness, Harmony, Peace:  apple blossom, basil, cedar, cypress, fir, jasmine, laveder, lilac, lotus, orange, patchouli, rose, rosemary, lily of the valley, purple loosestrife, valerian, vervain
Healing:  carnation, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, lovender, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, apple, laurel, wild cherry, hazel, hops, orange, peppermint, rowan, savory.
Inspiration, Wisdom:  cinquefoil, acacia, clove, cypress, fir, hazel, laurel, lily of the valley, oak moss, reed, rosemary, rowan, rue.
Love:  apple blossom, birch, cinquefoil, gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, musk, rose, vervain, acacia, catnip, elder, fern, heather, juniper, lavender, marigold, marjoram, mistletoe, moonwort, patchouli, savory, vanilla, valerian, wormwood, yarrow.
Meditation:  Acacia, angelica, bay, cinnamon, frankincense, jasmine, myrrh, nutmeg, wisteria.
New Beginnings:  birch oil
Protection, defense:  angelica, bay, bayberry, birch, cinnamon, cypress, frankincense, jasmine, lily of the valley, patchouli, pine, rue, vervain, basil, burdock, cinquefoil, club moss, dill, dragon's blood, fern, feverfew, fir, furze, hawthorn, hazel, heather, holly, juniper, rosemary, rowan, St. Johnswort, thistle, wormwood, yarrow.
Psychic Centers, Opening:  nutmeg, mimosa, wisteria, lotus, mugwort.
Purification, cleansing:  bay laurel, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, betony, burdock, cedar, dragon's blood, elder, feverfew, hyssop, marjoram, oak, peppermint, rue, salt, thyme, valerian, woodruff.
Reincarnation:  lilac, sandalwood
Visions:  bay laurel, frankincense, lotus, acacia, dittany of Crete, marigold, mugwort, wormwood.
Will power:  rosemary, St. Johnswort

Closing the Circle Ritual

When all of your spells and magickal workings are complete it is time to close the circle.  You should not have left the circle at any time in this period.  Hold your hand or dagger over the altar and say:
By the Powers of the ancient Gods,
I bind all power within this circle
Into this spell, so mote it be.
When you are ready to end the ritual, go the the east and extinguish the yellow candle saying:
Depart in peace, O' powers of air
My thanks and blessings
Go to the south and extinguish the red candle:
Depart in peace, O' powers of Fire
My thanks and Blessings
Go to the west and extinguish the blue candle:
Depart in peace, O' powers of Water
My thanks and blessings
Go to the North and extinguish the green candle:
Depart in peace, O' powers of Earth
My thanks and blessings
Return to the altar center and say
To all beings and powers of the visible and invisible
depart in peace
May there always be harmony between us
My thanks and blessings.
Cut the circle open with a backwards movement from your dagger or sword to realease all remaining traces of power for manifestation, and say:
The circle is open, yet ever it reamains a circle
Around and through me always flows its magickal power.
now clean up the altar and put away any tools and let all candles burn out that need to be burned out for spells and you are done!!

If you have any questions or comments I am happy to recieve them

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Disclaimer:  For some of you who actually read books, you will have noticed that most of this information comes out of a book.  This page was created based on the book "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway.  It's an excellent book for beginners and its only 4.99 in your local book store.