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Blessed Be

 The Wiccan Rede   My Weight Loss Page!  Book Of Shadows  Candle Magick  Spirit Online  Thirteen Wiccan Principles  The Celtic Website  Sabbats
 The Charge Of The Goddess  How to Make Bath Oils  Blessings for a newborn  Protection For A Newborn  Principles Of Magick
 The Witches Voice  The Encyclopedia Of Herbs  Chocolate Ritual....just a joke..but a yummy one  Stop Domestic Violence  Tools Used In Wicca
 Dictionary Of Terms  More Terms   Here Are Some Of The Celtic Deities
 Music From Spyder's Empire  What Is Wicca  All about the Elements  The Pagan Education Network

Merry Meet! My name is Gaea and you've 
found my website. I'm 31 years old and 
I've got a wonderful husband named Rick.
We've got a wonderful daughter who's 11 
named Allyson,a fabulous daughter who is
2 years old named Elizabeth, and a 
terrific son named William who is 1.
I've been involved with the craft for 
many years. We, as a family, attend a local
circle and it's going very well. I've 
created this website to be a source of 
information for beginners and for those
who have been on the path already. There
will be more additions as time goes on, as
this is a work in progress. 

What Is Magick 
I suppose I could ramble on for 
quite some time about what 
Magick of Wicca, Witches and  
Witchcraft is or is not. 
Instead, I will offer this 
brief writing I found somewhere. 
Unfortunately I  cannot remember 
where I came across it or who the 
author was, but I thought it 
was clear, concise and to the 
point. It very simply dispels 
everything that some religions, 
old superstitions  and of course 
Hollywood have tried to make people 
believe magick is. 

Magick is finding your connection 
to the Earth and all that is natural, 
alive and moving in the universe! 
It binds all that exists together. 

Magick is living in balance with the 
flow of life, and knowing that you 
are a vital force within that 
flow. Magick is everywhere! In 
the trees, rain, stars, and in 
the sea. It is the spark that 
quickens a seed to rise up from 
the soil. 

Magick is laughter, joy, wonder 
and truth the of the world around us! 

It is the subtle enchantment that 
reminds us not to waste a single 
moment of this gift that we call 
life! Magick is not greed, or power, 
or pretense...It is real. It exists. 
And it works. 

Magick is the mystery that lies in 
the secret soul of the world. It 
is the essence of creation. What 
we imagine, we have the power to 

With it you can create your dreams, 
heal your world, love your life and 
find the peace that lives in 
every human heart. 

Author Unknown


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