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The Unofficial Mahou Tsukaitai Book of Spells

Welcome neophytes to the Spell Book of the Kitanobashi High School Magic Club.

Warning : Be careful about using these on, or around, or even in the general vicinity of, any aliens.
Now, proceed.....

a magic wand

Izati Abamehinamu Eto Kafe Nan = to fly with a broom...or similar object.

Exsuarte Bei To En! Towass! = to transform an object. Must be used with Magic Card.

Exsuarte Bei to En = will transform a large object, using a card in a magic circle.

Eya Shubu Nigu Latobghu = the magic to shrink matter.

Yo Tone. Balten. Bei To En! = target object will fly up about twenty feet and then puff up like a giant balloon; comes down when the spell wears off.

Mietex Mehite = creates a crown of flowers.

Doke Testa Igna = cast on a magic wand. Enables the wand to tell a truth from a lie.

Evidai Ukukura Ephidai = to multiply the effect of a spell.

Notam Friden Biden Worl = to read another person's thoughts.

Fjushu, Qasqes, Iomuz, Qasqes, Dvindu = high level-displacement magic. Very risky.

a magic wand return to the lair

When there are more spells translated from the Book, they will be scribed herein.
Until then, wield your wands responsibly!

To find out more about the Magic Club:

Look in Sae's Magic Hat

go here for pictures of the club in action!

Angel's page is gone forever. *sniff* I'll find a suitable replacement, I hope...