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Another Unnofficial site about the marvelous actor,


Ok, this is my new Sean Hayes page. I had another one, but I wanted to perfect it. When I made it, I didn't know much about web page design, but now...well now I am better so I am going to create this one! I hope you like it!

This site is dedicated to the magnificent Sean P. Hayes. I made it because of him of course. For me, he is my idol. I look up to him and when I am older, I want to be exactly like him. He is gifted and talented and if it wasnt for him, I would not have joined drama and try to become an actor. He has been an inspiration in my life and I hope he always will. My life goal, is to in fact meet Sean. Sean, if you do read the web pages about you and you are reading this one, THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ACTOR AND ALTHOUGH WE DONT KNOW EACH OTHER IN PERSON, THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME. And no matter what his beliefs are and what the media might say of him in the future, he will always be my hero.

Next polls...
Sean Hayes
Do you want to see a 'Just Jack' show?

Well Duh, of course!
Why is no an option, YES

Current Results
Sean Hayes
If Sean does get his own show, who do you want to see in it? *remember, this is a multiple choice poll!

All new characters
The same characters in Will & Grace
Will & Grace Characters to make guest appearances, but not full time
3 of the 4 Baldwins (the ones jack likes!)
George Clooney
Rosie O'Donell
Courtney Cox

Current Results

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