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Now below are the characters belonging to the holt

free= up for adoption. Those characters that are exiled are not available for adoption at present, as they are part of an on going story line.

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Riverflood Holt
Name Descrip/info Gender Bond animal Title/job Status/owner
Branchwalker Conservative, but a good decision maker f Killfinder (w) Chieftess Johanna
Trillslash Branchwalker's lifemate m Scoffer (w) Hunter/Elder free
Moondell exiled -Sunstripe's mate f Mutewise (w) Healer/Elder Dusk- exiled
Sunstripe exiled- Branchwalker's brother m Battlecall (w) Warrior/Elder Dusk - exiled
Weavemaker Glider- joined the tribe, bringing daughter Riverwise m Weedscape (Gfalcon) Artist/hunter free
Shinesoft Glider- Weavemaker's lifemate. f Boneteaser (Gfalcon) Tanner/hunter
Glowsun Deceased m Howlsinger (w) Plantshaper/hunter free- dead
Burnsight Fondflame's twin m Brokejaw (w) Tracker Rachel
Fondflame Burnsight's twin f Crushjaw (w) Tracker Rachel
Soulsoarer Pure blood - Riverwise's lifemate (recognition) m Talondive ( Falcon) Star gazer/hunter free
Windgem Pure blood daughter of Riverwise and Soulsoarer f Knowall (Falcon) Kid Dusk
Riverwise exiled- pure blood f Brightmind (Otter) River mistress Dusk- exiled
Hardbark Staunch traditionalist, is responsible for Tearblades out casting m Jigjog (w) Hunter free
Tickletoe The omega wolf- is teaching Windgem the art of storytelling. f Rustletail (w) Storyteller/hunter free
Willowshade Just one of the tribe, but quite the beauty and so the flirt f Razorgape (w) Hunter Elizabeth
Picklepear Particularly naughty little runt who gets in trouble all the time. m Nipnut (w) kid free
Silentsmile The elf with the sense of humour! Hardbark's Lovemate f Barkrub Hunter free
Kindleaf In love with Willowshade, discovers the surviving gliders m Scratchfur Hunter/elder free
Limbfall Sweetpine's lifemate m Bramblehook Gather/Hunter free
Sweetpine The gentle and sweet one- who loves her family f none at present lifebearer Johanna
Spritefly The youngest hunter- full of energy f Slobbermouth Hunter free
Blueoak Windgem's best mate- this scamp loves the trees-an archer m Vinepaw Archer Dusk
Tuft the kind of kid who eats worms- Windgem's antagonist m Bitenip Kid free
Mosslight A loner,  used to be in a three-way with Littlethought and Glowsun f Snakenose Guard/ Fighter free
Tyram The wanderer- an ex-glider m none healer Pia
Firedancer The hunter and commioner with her wolf f Swingstride Guard/fighter Pia
Nutska The child prodigy m Linka Plantshaper Pia

A Gfalcon is a Giant Falcon, there are only ten of these in the land, and they don't reside nearby.

Outcast/Wild ones
Name Description/Info Gender Bond animal Title/job Owner
Tearblade outcast- a quarter of her blood is wolf, but her parents are unknown f Wraith (w) Wild one( outcast) Dusk- outcast
Littlethought This one revealed Tarrata's power, and lost his mmind for it. m Swiftteeth (w) Wanderer free
Temil One of the Gliders who did not join the Holt or Tarrata, lusts after Riverwise m nonr Wanderer-nasty person free


Other Elves
Name Descrip/info Gender Bond animal Title/job owner
Sarrafia A friend and advisor to Tarrata, and part of his little tribe, but keeps to herself f Treedown(Gfalcon) Elder/ Seamstress Angel
Kulia Sarrafia's child, father unknown-most likely Tarrata f Jabberstab ( Gfalcon) Child Angel
Tarrata Gliders- Leads those below, Weavemaker's brother, and a Fire-Starter m Screechcall (Gfalcon) Leader Tony
Hightwig Glider  - Took a Wolfrider name, but did not join the holt m Farfeather (Gfalcon) Hunter/Plantshaper free
Giddyfeet Glider     "                    "                 "                 " f Jeercry(Gfalcon) Hunter free
Bubblebrook Glider     "                    "                 "                 " f Sweetwing(Gfalcon) Hunter free
Riddlebee Glider     "                    "                 "                 " m Smoothbeak(Gfalcon) Hunter free

Name Descrip/Info Gender Title/job Owner
Kaseph A rather impetuous youth who often travels into the area surrounding the holt, his father lead the destruction of the Glider colony in his youth. m Son of a prominent merchant free
Jolina A rather mystic young lady who is entranced by the elves ( has seen Willowshade and Kindleaf 'together') f Daughter of a 'pharmacist' Johanna
Seffera Woodsy young lady f Orphan Anni

Name Descrip/info Gender Title/job Owner
Skuttlemouth V. old troll- contemporary of Old Maggoty? SKin is coal black for some reason f Elder free
Bushyears Hairy eared troll who ventures into the outside world, and thus risks discovery by the elves. m General Dogsbody free
Wartlip Grouch- much more like the Northern trolls that holt trolls m Warrior free

Name Descrip/info Quirks Colours
Muckywing Mucky- it is brown, and not naturally. For some reason this one almost seems to have a brain.....maybe not. Unoffcial leader Likes black hair elves and is fascinated by Kulia, Yellow mottled, but covered in dirt
Gigglepig This one loves to upset the humans, which works to the elves advantage of course but... A prankster- never misses out on the chance to laugh. Eats a lot.likes Tuft Pink and light blue 
Softspit it's goo doesn't work very well, but everyone loves this one anyway Seems almost feminine at times. very much the voyeur deep blue and brown
Flowerdip Flower child- totally ignores the elves, until they get in it's way of course The most stupid of the Preservers...and I really mean it! Brown and green ( light)
Upsidetop The most intelligent when not distrated by something shiny, a great friend of Spritefly Loves to fly upside down for some reason SIlvery green all over.