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~*Star Struck*~ Part 1

I just want you to know this story is fictional, but fun. ENJOY!

It was November 23rd.6:00pm. We were hesintly awaiting the concert. I couldn't believe we were gonna see Britney Spears is concert, 2nd row and then to meet her backstage was a dream come true! Only one more hour and we'd be singing along to Sometimes with Britney Spears!!!

7:00pm.."Soda pop she bop ..she bop.."Ahhhhhh.....BRITNEY!!" Me, Kira, Jolie, and Dana were screaming at the top of our lungs!!! She looked so cool up there, I loved her clothes! She was wearing a pink and blue 3 quarter jersey shirt, baige twill drawstring pants and running shoes. Her hair was half up half down. She was just so cool!

"Ok, Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to my show! You're guarenteed on having a great time! Sit back and relax we're gonna slow things done for ya..." After Britney said that she started singing Sometimes, that is my favourite Britney song. "Summer, I gotta go use the washroom..." Kira whispered to me. "What?... Sometimes I hide..." "Summer please come with me I really gotta go.. " "Are you serious Kira? This is my fave song!!! Can't you wait till she goes backstage between a song?" "Ok, I'll try..." (10 minutes later)... "Summer, I don't think she'll be going back there for a while.. can you come please?" "Ok, ok sure.." Me and Kira hurried out to the bathroom. (MeanWhile..)"Ok guys I'm gonna have my body guard randomly select two fans to come up here and help sing and dance to Baby One More Time with me..." Me and Kira were hurrying back to our spots when we heard her say that. But suddenly we saw Jolie and Dana being lead up to the stage!!! "Oh no Kira look.....!!!!!"

To be continued...

PART 2 (cont.)

"Oh no! Thats not fair!" Kira said to me. "We like her more!!!!" Me and Kira were pretty sad that we couldn't go up there to dance with her! What made it even worse was they didn't even look for us to go with them! But then I remebered we were going to meet her when the show was done.

"Oh baby baby... " they looked like they were having so much fun! But if I went up there I knew hey'd be happy for me, so I guess I was happy for them. But I kept looking beside me at Kira and she was sitting down sulking. "C'mon Kira be happy for them!" "Why should I be they're snobs! I should be up there!"

When the song was done they came running excitedly down to us. "Did ya see us up there!! WOW that was so great!!!!!!!" yelled Dana. "Kira whats wrong?" "Get away from me Dana! You're so rude!" said Kira. Then suddenly Kira ran out of the room... "Kira where are you going?????????????"

Come see next week for more Star Struck!

Part 3 (cont.)

"Where is she going??? She always does this stuff!!!" yelled Dana. She did always do stuff like this she was jealous of Dana. In grade 8 Dana got a beautiful dress for graduation and Kira was so jealous because she wanted it but couldn't afford it so she threw pop on it and it was dry clean only. It was a disaster!! They hadn't been that good of friends. I chased her out of the room. "Kira, what are you doing?? You're wrecking this night for everyone!! Why do you have to be like this. We still get to meet her backstage you know!! Just come back inside and try to have fun please??" I asked. "Ok, I'll try said Kira."


So we walked back in and saw Dana and Jolie yelling at eachother. I ran up to them to see what was going on.

"Why do you always have to do this to Kira??? She's jealous of you, you know??" Jolie yelled.

"I don't care its not my fault I got picked she has to realize that!!!"

"Dana!! You are ALWAYS like that!!! DON'T LIE!!" screamed Kira.

"Kira shut up for once!! I can't help it if your jealous of me!! I don't have or doing anything to make you jealous of me! SO shutup!" yelled Dana. "I can't believe you siad that Dana! That was really low!" I couldn't believe it! Right after Kira said that she slapped Dana in the face! Then Dana slapped Kira back!

Suddenly the nearest people to us started crowding around. Then peopl behind them wanted to see what was going on.

"Hey, whats going on everyone?" I heard Britney say.

"SECURITY!!!" she yelled.

The security guards made their way through and grabbed all four of us and took us backstage.

WHen we got back there they brought us into a small room which had four chairs there and we sat on the them.

The securtiy guards told us to wait here well they went and got someone to talk to us. While they were gone Dana and Kira were still fightingt and yelling.

Suddenly the door opened and Britney walked in! We all payed attention at that time.....

Is It Good?
What do you think of *Star Struck*?