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Necropolis House
The Outside
First Floor
Second Floor 
Excersise Room
Third Floor

The Outside 
(The Necropolis house is situated on the parade route. It is the last part of downtown that is still attractive. The old historic buildings are cared for and there are trees and flowers on the sidewalks. It is a nice place to walk and window shop. The building is on a corner. It used to be a dance club. It is 3 stories high and has a huge balcony around the second floor with ornate iron railing; the third floor also has a balcony wrapping around it but is slightly smaller. Both have dark green tiled roofs. The roof is flat and there are some trees and plants on it as well as a railing indicating that it is a functional patio. There is a patio in front of the main entrance created from the remains of the former clubs', sidewalk café area. The lower floor is a sort of half floor and one must walk down stairs from the patio to enter it. It has no windows but instead huge panels of paintings depicting life in Necropolis in all its glory. Both the evils and the goods are depicted with a mediocre skill. The second floor has huge Windows and sliding glass doors. The 3rd floor has windows like many residences with shutters and a few doors visible.)
First Floor 

(When you walk in the door the first thing you see is an informal dining area with a round table and a few smaller round tables and chairs in a restaurant fashion. There are steps leading up with a sleek Brass rail and heavy red oriental carpet. There is a large corner bar made of a beautiful old polished wood with brass insets. It is completely stocked as if the place where still a club not a home. There are several mismatched antique stools and framed news paper and magazine clippings of both the bar in the old days and its metamorphis but a few of "the Jewel" and one of the newly refurbished building with a before after shot. There are swinging half doors through which a restaurant style kitchen is slightly visible. The floors are a beautiful hard wood that has recently been restrained but all the imperfections of years off feet and abuse have been left. To the immediate right is the living area. It consists of two couches and two huge over stuffed chairs made of clashing designs and fabrics in deep greens, reds, and purples. There is another intricate oriental rug with a thick padding under it and a large square coffee table made from old beer crates but polished and glossed with a heavy wood top and a glass cover. On the other side of the room the old dance floor is still in evidence. It has a gorgeous black marble floor that is also well polished and a wood and brass stage. The Stage has lights that shine down on a breathtaking statue of a life sized lion laying in an embrace with a little girls, so detailed it almost looks alive. The walls are covered with artwork and framed magazines and posters from the 1920's. There is a jukebox with the latest sound system technology encased in an antique shell, and a flat screen Television hanging unobtrusively on the wall. There is also an old safe sitting against one wall acting as a table and a train set that runs around the edge of the room and over the bar.)

(The Train is a replica of a 1920's pleasure train. It is lit up on the inside and the people can be seen with their parties. There are people hanging out the windows and occasionally getting pulled back in. There is a young flapper girl standing in the caboose waving and drinking a martini. The little engineer is wearing mardi gras beads and a jester hat, occasionally pulls a string blowing the horn. IT puffs real smoke and sounds like a real train. There is a faint sound of jazz music trailing after it. In one of the boxcars there are two hobo's with their sacks  waving at the people as it passes through the village. The cars of the train are lit with lights and decorated in mardi gras decorations.)

Second Floor 
(The Necropolis House Second Floor is getting rather Full. Fortunately it used to be offices so there is still plenty of room. When one comes up the stars there is a small sitting area that used to be an old-fashioned receptionist's booth. It even has the glass wall with a little window... all of this has been left and used in the décor. The area is done in period antiques and resembles something out of a black and white Dick Tracy film.... even to old framed wanted posters and newspaper clippings on the walls. If one looks very closely one can see that the wanted posters are actually members of Amanda's Cabal. There is a long hall leading away from the reception area. It is lined with 5 doors on each side and closets in-between all the doors. At the other end of the hall is another sitting area facing a balcony. It is decorated with a slightly bohemian theme. It has lots of metal patio furniture in intricate designs with dark green cushions and many potted plants and an indoor gold fish pond. The double door open out to a patio, which is nice weather, is similarly decorated and full of plants. It is quite a pleasant place to just sit and relax.)

The Rooms of the Second Floor
(Each Room has a brass name tag and most have cat doors that can be closed or opened depending on the occupants' feelings about one rather fat white cat named Lucy.)
Room 1 
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Room 6
Room 7
Room 8
Room 9
Room 10
Excercise Room

The Library
(The Library is a little bit smaller than the other rooms. It is lined from floor to ceiling with book shelves and the middle of the room has several sets of shelves library style across irt. The room has dark polished wood siding and hanging lights that emit a soft glow perfect for reading. The carpet is very soft and deep red/brown in color. There are a few oriental throw rugs scatterd about as well as potted plants. The air smels of bookd and a somewhat spicy inncense. The front part of the room contains desks, tables and computers with plenty of room to spread out projects. There is a tall round apparatus made of the same wood as everything else that has a mini fridge and cabinets of food and utinsils. The back part of the room opens up to the balcony and has two large overstuffed leather sofas and a big easy chair. It is rather homey and has lot of little blanktes and pillows. It is a quiet cozy place to just read or drink coffee and watch the people in the streets.)

Mercy's Room
(It's a decent sized room somewhere between child and adult. There is a cat-door at the bottom that can be closed off from the inside. It has bunk beds made of shiny stainless steel with thick mattresses and heavy black comforters with a faint swirling iridescent pattern. The ceiling and walls are deep midnight blue with tiny glittery stars shaped like the constellations. One wall is completely covered with bookshelves made of the shiny stainless steel and glass and filled with books ranging from Dr Seuss to "War and Peace"; they curve around a corner to form a desk. The floor under the desk is made of black polished marble and the rest of the room is hardwood stained very dark with a computer. The walls have many prints in smooth sleek black frames. There is one from "Starry Night" some M.C. Esher, one done by Jarrel of a mother and her son baking (he does faces and scenes of the south in extreme detail), the paintings are some quite famous and some more obscure but all beautiful and emotionally and mentally stirring. There is a control pad on the wall that controls a sound system in the room. There is a small sitting area with an overstuffed black brushed leather couch (is velvety soft) a matching recliner and a coffee table containing many goldfish. In the corner behind the sitting area is a flat screen television with a connection to a central movie catalogue elsewhere in the house. In the corner beside that, is a small mini kitchen bar with a little refrigerator, a microwave, dishes and cabinets with food in them. It is made of the same dark almost black wood as the floor and the picture frames. The appliances are shiny stainless steel. There is a faux fur black rug on the floor with a thick soft pad. The lamps and light fixtures are all made from pieces of modern art is smooth graceful designs. There is a sliding glass door that opens out to the balcony (facing the courtyard). It is covered by a curtain made of the same slightly iridescent patterned material as the bed spreads. There are also many candles scattered about and a few flowering plants here and there on stands. One is near the top bunk of the bed and vines down it growing thousands of tiny white flowers that fill the room with a sweet smell. There is a set of doors near the bar one leading to a walk in closet, and one leading to a bathroom.)

(The bathroom is all black marble and stainless steel with a large black hot-tub and a shower. It has many thick soft towels and the same dark blue walls and ceiling.)

(The closet is full of various styles of cloths and of all kinds. Stuffed animals, blocks, lego's, everything imaginable.))

Sian's Room
(It is a fairly large room having once been an office. The walls are made of cedar wood paneling that give the room a pleasant natural smell. The floor is the same dark hardwood as the downstairs area. The room is full of plants hanging from dangling holders and sitting in stands, one in particular is covered with tiny white flowers. It sits on a stand near the bed its vines flowing to the floor. It has a sweet pleasant smell that adds to the cedar. When you walk into the room to the immediate right is a wall sized fish tank with a strange assortment of beautiful rare freshwater fish. To the immediate left is a small sitting area. It contains a deep red suede couch and two large chairs, one the same red with a big ottoman, the other dark green brocade with the print of leaves in it. There is a thick Navaho rug on the floor with a similar picture to the carvings in the table and a green hand woven afghan of soft angora on the couch. The coffee table is a beautifully carved rectangle. The carvings are deep cut into the images of animals and plants in exquisite detail. It has a glass top to prevent the carvings from damaging. Each leg is made from the body of an animal, a bear, a cougar, an eagle, and a fish. There is a flat screen television hung on the wall, and beside it a control pad to a digital sound system. To the right of the sitting area is a corner mini bar with a small refrigerator, and sink and cabinets of food. It is made of the same material as the wall with polished copper accents. Towards the back of the room is a large bed that seems to actually grow out of the wall. It has 4 wooden posts made from tree trunks. It reaches to the ceiling and is hung with deep green drapes, pulled back to reveal the inside of the bed which has a bed spread with the pattern of moss on it. There is a desk in the corner on the other side of the room. The desk is made of gray stone slabs and has a computer and a file cabinet. Next to the desk are bookshelves. The shelves contain only a few books and many small knickknacks from Amanda's travels. Between the office area and the bed is a sliding glass door leading outside (to the balcony over looking the courtyard) and covered with vertical blinds. On the other side of the office area are two doors. One leads to a walk in closet containing a few cloths picked out by some personal shopper somewhere to probably fit Sian. There are also extra blankets and various odds and ends she might need when there.)

(The Bathroom follows the same natural décor as the room but is perhaps even more fanciful. Amanda let her imagination go on this it would seem. It has a huge tub made to resemble stone on the outside but with a smooth tiled inside. It is set into a wall with a waterfall built up to act as a shower. The waterfall does not have live plants but the fakes look so wonders if she actually bought them or used some magick to produce them. There is also a shower set by itself into the wall on the other side. It has benches and can also act as a sauna. The floor is dark green tile and has rock formations along the empty spaces of the room. One large crystal formation goes all the way up the wall. The sink and dressing area is designed to look almost like a fairy glen with the basins cut from stone and the mirror set into the wall with a painted mural of the forest as the background. There is a lining closet full of towels in earth tone colors and also full of bath salts and other supplies she might need. )

(The over all feel of both rooms is that of a natural forest glen full of mystery and depth.)

Kanaski Sakura's Room
(Entering the room is like entering a completely separate building. It is decorated almost completely in the traditional Japanese style. The entrance has been converted into an indoor garden...or at least it seems to be an indoor garden... There are Cherrie Trees and plants and a stone garden with sand and a bond full of lilies and gold fish. Some of the plants are real where possible and some of them are not, but the ones that are not are so skillfully crafted that one must look very closely to know if they are alive or not. The air is scented with the faintest smell of flowering cherry and jasmine coming from the climate control system. The ceiling has even been painted in such a way as to suggest the feeling of open air. The floor has natural stone paths meandering between the plants to different parts of the room and then joining to leading to what looks like the front of a small house with a smaller door to what could be some kind of storage room belonging to the house.)

(Inside the "house" are 3 rooms set apart from one another with paper screen dividers. To one side is a small kitchen with just enough room to prepare meals and such. It has all the modern appliances in a compact form. There is a central worktable and a hanging rack of cooking implements. There is also a small bedroom with a futon designed in the old way as part of the floor complete with a heating system under it. There is a wardrobe made of carved teakwood and a dressing stand for makeup and such, with a long dressing mirror. In an out of the way corner is a closet like piece of furniture, which opens up into a computer center. The third room is the main room of the "house" It is a sitting area with low tables and cushions and a few small statues. Amanda seems to have favored some Chinese elements here with the numerous dog/lion figures (She also tends to favor these as ornaments for herself) There is also a flat screen television and a panel controlling the climate as well as a sound system. These are all hidden by a beautiful piece of embroidered silk with the same design as the back of Amanda's robe.The main room opens out to the balcony via a sliding glass door with a paper door slid in front of it. The balcony over loosk the courtyard and in good weather would be full of plants blending in nicly to the ones inside.)

(The design on Amanda's robe and the silk drape is a yin yang made of dragons. One side is made of all different styles of red dragons in various stages of life from birth to death ...the other side of the yin yang is blue dragons and the background is brown dragons. The whole thing is shot through with gold thread.)

(The "house" takes up more than half of the room with its low porch and steps down into the "garden" but to the far right the stone path leads to another porch that looks like the entrance to a smaller "house" but is instead a series of 3 paper doors. Two of the doors are closets. One of the doors opens into a bathroom. The bathroom is fairly large and designed to be more of a bathing house than a typical bathroom. It has a huge, round, wood- sided hot tub in one corner. There is a steamroom/shower set into the wall. The floor is made of dark black tile and has controls to allow it to be heated. It is not cluttered and has an area partitioned off by paper walls for more private bodily functions. The air smells of jasmine incense and a small incense burner can be observed carved into a niche in the wall.))

The Excersise Room
(The Excersise room is a big open room. It has indoor/outdoor carpet in a neutral crème color and walls of the same crème color with dark wood trim. The left wall is complety coved with a mirror and a long bar for stretching. The front part of the room is given over to various different types of excersise equipment and weight machines. Along the right wall in the back of the room is a narrow bar with water, towels massage oils, vitamins, and other such paraphanalia. Near the bar area is a massage table and a small indoor hot tub. Behind the massage Table is a cabinet containing various different kinds of equipment for everything froim simple massage to accupuncture. Next to the cabinet is a stack of excersixe mats. The rest of the floor is open, except for a few bean bag chairs, to be used for aerobics, Tai chi or even just dance. There is a flat screen Television hanging unobtrusivly oin the wall and a panal next to it operating the soundsystem. The room is not lit with flouressant lights but rather has a serious of switches that controll the lighting allowing it to be changed from a subdued near dark to bright as noon. There is an air filter that will circulate the air in and out if the weather is not sufficiantly pleasant to open the doors. The Patio looks out the back of the building to the courtyard.)

The Roof 
(The roof is accessed from a stair well between the two halves of the third floor. It has an all glass box like room that lets the light shine through to the floor below and makes the room below quite bright and open looking. The roof is a garden area with Spanish tile floor and iron garden furniture with heavy cushions. There are several lounge chairs and a swing. A grill sits in one area with all sorts of cooking implements and a tiled counter and serving table as well as refrigerator and freezer. There is what looks like an oven and a cabinet that is well sealed and has a small dial reading "climate control" for storing wine and other things that do not need refrigeration. There is also a huge hot tub built up in oriental fashion with a lounge area big enough for all sorts of things.)
The Courtyard 
(The Courtyard seems to be primnarily designed for entertaining. It has a spanish tile floor and real gas lamps hanging from the walls of the buildings around it. There are a few well pruned potted trees and flwers which will be lovely when spring arives. The center of the yard has a fountain that was created to resemble a natural waterfall. There is a grill and brick servibg area in the event that someone wants to have an outdoor party. There are also a few tables and lounge chairs scattered about.)