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Last Updated: July 8, 2000

Jubail Academy has been a part of everyone's lives. Whether it is for a long period of time or a single day/month, we have learned to live life the way of the jaguar. Everyone may have conceived the meaning of being a jaguar for through this do we learn the importance of having a goal; not just academically but also physically. Jubail Academy didn't only show us the meaning of life but also the warmth of the eternal flame of friendship...


Jaguar's Mail

Jaguar's Message

Jaguar's Pics

Jaguar's Links

Take this opportunity to reach out and restore the flame of friendship we have lit during our brief and meaningful stay in Jubail Academy.

Thank you to all the people who wasted their time to get in this page. Help this site by passing this page on to other Jubail Alumni and by signing the guestbook. The eternal flame of friendship will depend on you.

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