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New York

Nations' Melting Pot

Born in Czechoslovakia, having experienced the fall of communist regime in Eastern Europe, split of my country, birth and rise of national idea in the newly emerged Slovak Republic, I've always felt attracted to the subject of a nation. What makes nation a nation? Is it their common territory, history, culture, traditions? In quest for answers I travelled around Slovakia and took pictures of local festivals celebrating national traditions and anniversaries. For me as a photographer, these festivals and public gatherings presented a unique opportunity to observe this strange mixture of emotions with which people celebrate their past, and remember their national heroes. Last year, I came to New York and I faced yet another challenge. This vast city abundant with ethnic minorities from all over the world presented a goldmine of photo opportunities. Ethnic festivals, celebrations and parades take place here almost every week. I am very grateful that I could celebrate the moments of joy and passion with these people and I hope you could find a fraction of these sensations in my pictures. In a most wonderful way, I was able to to photograph a story not only about one but about many nations without having to travel thousands of miles,for most parts of the story take place at 5th Avenue, Manhattan. Yet the quest for answers to my questions never ends.

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