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Kendra's Quality Homepage

Links 'n Stuff!

Read My pages welcoming message in 3 diffrent dialects!
read some of my poetry here!
theresa's page!
Learn About The CANADiAN Conspiracy HERE!
FAQ for YOU!
Random Stuff About Me!
pics of me!
Tribute to Daria!
Take The Annoyingness Test!
The CURRENT Hero of the Week/Day/Month/Whatver...
Read the NEWS!

I'm the goof-ball in the middle! :) like my crown-thingy?

**UPDATE** 4/27/00 *I've added a page with some of my poetry, and I made Theresa a qualit-ay webpage :) Enjoy!*

(Olsen twins, eat your heart out!)

4/6/00 I've added a page with Headlines from this months issue of "The Weekly World News", its good for some entertainment. Also, I've put up a cute picture of 'lil me. Awwww.... Also, I've been contemplating designing a page with some of my fav music. I would add a midi (if i knew how) but i think they're annoying!

New Hero of the Week/Day/Month/Whatever is up, go take a look and take the poll!


Go check out my brothers webage. He's depressed casue the counter is so low. Its about pokemon, just humor him and go to it :)Geoff's Webpage

Go check out the hero of the week/blah blah/whatever. :) Its classy. Its replaceing the farside of the day, casue, well, lets face it, i hadnt updated it for over 2 weeks and it was getting ridiclous, anyhow, enjoy.

The wallpaper on this beautiful page belongs to Krysta, who was going to harass me until i gave her credit. So, fine, its your wallpaper, Krysta, I stole it :)

well... I've updated this with the "farside of the day"... who knows if it will actually be up daily... but check back often (hahaha, I've found a way to make you come back!!! mwhahahaha...) Anyways, I've tried to fix the colors... and the next great update could well be ...*drumroll* Wallpaper! and maybe.... *double drum roll* some more about CANADiA (casue i know you were all holding your breath waiting for that story to continue... oh, and I've been informed by my friend, Marissa, that i can no longer sign my random blurbs as "the management".. as thats her thing.. which is true, she did do it first. (Altho I really do think someone else did it before her....) but anyways, in all fairness I give her credit :)


The Management™

The Management™ is a Trademark of Marissa and may only be used WITH her express permission

So, um, you'll notice the colors havent changed :P... buuuutttt... you'll also notice i put up a slightly less repulsive pic. :) I'm the goon in the middle, Happy New Year!!! (a little late :) Oh, and i added a pics page... where eventually there will be more than 1 pic.. ok, thats it for today! enjoy!

-the management

Yes, well, I've decided after much consideration, that the color scheme of my enitre webisite is horrible. Yes, its truly bad. Hopefully one of these days i shall DO somthing about it... until then i dont advise looking directly into the screen. Dont say i didnt warn you!!!!! Ok as far as updates... I've been thinking of putting up a section with a few of my stories and poems, but i'm not sure yet :) we'll see. Oh, and i've also decided that my picture is truly horrible, but until i can find a better one, it will have to do. I apologize for inflicting it upon you!

thank you,

The management

well, um, the Y2K list never made it up... there was, um, a "Y2k problem"... yeah, thats it. I'm not just lazy or anything :) Anyway, I've updated, added a page with random stuff about me... see the link "random stuff about me" for further infornmation. Thank You,

-the management

hey hey hey! a BRAND NEW UPDATE!!!! whats new you ask? Well the christmas list is gone (wasn't it amusing? well... I thought it was... and thats what matters :) to be replaced by.... ummmm.... something :) And i got a new pic.... not a better pic... but a new one :) COMING SOON!!! THE Y2K CHECKLIST!!! I found this pamphlet from the red cross next to some batteries about how to prepare for Y2K... heh heh heh... COMING SOON!!!

Yes thats right, the page has actually been UPDATED! (what are the chances?) The update includes my lovely pic... which REALLY sucks. Too bad I have no good pics and my scanner is messed... oh well! In addition to this lovely new pic, The link to CANADiA should work ...hopefully :). Go there to read about how the CANADiAns are trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!

Ok, so I have no idea what I'm doing with this webpage, so bear with me as i try to make it work! Eventually you will probably be able to reade about ME :) Won't that be exciting... Oh, and maybe I'll post my story about how the Canadians are going to take over the world!


Note: the above link doesn't actually work... yet... what a suprise! Well... come back soon, Maybe it will be fixed.
