These Are The Stars In My Life

I'm Luke! And this page is for the special people in my life!

Well, I don't really have alot to say. I made this page as what I'd like to call...a those that are important in my life. I want to start by saying a big I love you to my wonderful girl, Sammi. And I also want to say hello to my fiends Crystal, and Ashly, and Courtney, and Seth W, and all those other people from school. And.....well, I know there's plenty more of you too.... but if ya really want your name on here for some unknown reason, next time you see me, just kick me and say "Luke! Put my name on that website NOW!!!" and of course there are all my friends that I try to keep in touch of, even now that I'm out of school. My old friend Seth would give me a firm kick in the balls if I didn't give him a shout out. And The Russel. And of course my great firend, the almighty Merd. Merideth rules! And a big hell yeah to the rest of the boys and girls out there, too. Now I want to give another shout out to all my buds on the web, though I don't have nearly as many people on here as I used to have. I'd also like to say hi to my family! But I have a big family, so I ain't putting any names down for this. And none of them know how to work a computer, so they'll never see it anyhow. Keep an eye out, cause every once in a while I'll take a notion to fix this page up! And by the way...check out my picture section!

It's ME! Ain't I puuuuurdy???

Check out the rest of my site!

Welcome to my site!
Pictures of all my friends and family!
Here are a few of my favorite songs that I have written.
Musical Quotes! Check 'em out. Even add your own!
This is a little bit about me, from a LONG time ago. Alot has changed, and so have I, but I still like it!
Someday this will be a complete and updated list of all CDs that I own.