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Good Day! My name is Lady Morningstar and I am so looking forward to sharing time with you.

I am a sigh in your dream
You look for me each evening
To be reassured that I am watching
As you lay sleeping
My eyes are made of starlight
My form is made of hazy clouds
My soul soaks in the heavenly body
That surrounds all.
My breath is the cool wind on a hot day
Yet warmth during the cold.
I am the Morningstar, that is always with thee!

I need to say Thank You to some wonderful people that I have met on my travels. For if it had not been for their help and love I would have never open up this new world.

Sandy who has searched high and low for some of my wonderful action gifs and always has an encouraging word when I am not sure. Minimoo who is always pointing me to new directions and is quite patient when I am unable to understand. As she would say it is a blonde thing, or I have my hair tied back to tight!

There is my wonderful cat (Pharaoh) who feels that she needs to type in her thoughts or needs to be fed right during the most important part of my trip.

Most of all my two Captains. With out them there would not be my paths nor a stroll. Each one has touched my life in a very special way.

There was a guardian angel watching over me when the CaptCutlass came into my life. Each year is more precious then the last. Because of him it is easy to understandthe meaning of Love.

There is my son CptBlood, Beyond words that can ever begin to tell one just how much their happiness is within my heart each and every day. I am so proud of him and so thankful for the years that we have been given.

Not everyone is blessed with a Captain! I am blessed with two!

I have moved my site to another so please click on below.

Morningstar's Index!

You are always welcome to send a note to let me know what you thought and if you have some ideas to share, please let me know.

May the mist of Irish magic Shorten every road,

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This site was Designed By:

Lady Morningstar

April 2000

Through my travel on the internet I have found many breathtaking gifs and thoughts. The Gifs on my site were not created by me and so I take no credit for them. The poems and stories with out the author's name were created by me.

I have been blessed in meeting some wonderful people who have allowed me to use their gifs in the understanding that I would give them credit which I have. Other wise the gifs with out the copyright I have found on free domain.

If you see a creation of yours here and it is copyrighted, I will be happy to either give you the credit you deserve for your work or remove the gifs!

If you would like to use any of my poems, stories or the non-copyrighted gifs please write me a note.

Thank You********* Morningstar