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My name is Rhonda Gay Mills and I was born May 18th, 1955. Both my Sun and Moon signs are Taurus (Tropical Zodiac). My mode is "fixed" and my element "Earth" (a need to feel grounded and stable). With Venus as Taureans ruling planet, we are often magnetic, sensual, and very attractive to the opposite sex. We bestow an enhanced love of beauty, an interest in the arts, and a highly refined sense of touch.

By connecting to my inner power of love, I become a force in helping others as well as uniting the extremes within my personality. Although many interests capture my heart, I am often searching for a soul mate with whom I can share some of my ideals. My soul mate was born on one of the following dates: 1-25, 2-23, 3-21, 4-19, 5-17, 6-15, 7-13, 8-11, 9-9, 10-7, 11-5, 12-3, or 12-30.

I admire loyalty and faithfulness; but if in doubt, i can become dissatisfied and experience fluctuating moods. On a positive, I have high spiritual values. I find comfort through love of art and creativity, the joys of nature and music. I am not always understood in everything I try to do, or in things which I know myself to be true. Yet long-lasting are the influences I make on others with whom I have deep associations from previous lives.

In my Edgar Cayce Past Life Report I quote the following: "Since your childhood, being outdoors and living close to nature is probably more significant to you than to most others. This love of nature and the great outdoors is from one or more past lives spent on a farm or in nature settings. For ages countries on the Mediterranean such as ancient Egypt, Greece and virtually all of the ancient Mideast lived in close contact with nature. So did the Native Americans of pre-Columbian America. And surely you were one of them. Farming, fishing and hunting then, are among your familiar pursuits (even if they only involve occasional outdoor activities like gardening, boating or indoors, tending flowers and plants). You also probably have greater confidence in holistic, natural healing approaches than in modern medicine's "advanced" yet artificial technology."

I was a Mermaid in a previous life and have constant recollections of that life. My home was in the beautiful Mediterranean Ocean and I recall a Greek Island with a Gothic style castle. I fell in love with a beautiful land creature who lived on this island. He came to the water's edge and gathered me in his arms, holding me as if he would never let go. He would string jewels in my hair and came with treasures each day. I do not know what became of our love. But to this day I am still searching for him in this life.

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Venus, my ruling planet, is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. To the Greeks, she was known as Aphrodite. Venus will attempt to neutralize a threat by captivating or seducing the opposition; her function is to bring union, and attraction plays a strong part in its role, with an emphasis on outward appearance, sociability, romantic love, and the opposite sex. Venus rules the signs of both Taurus and Libra. (Read further about my beautiful, loving Libra daughter, Amber. And let me not dare fail to mention my "Fire" sign son, Joshua.)

My father named me after the redheaded Rhonda Fleming; a movie star back in the day. I am the middle child of two loving sisters. I was raised a country girl about 30 minutes from the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway in Henry County, Virginia. (Henry County being named after Patrick Henry- Give me Liberty or give me Death) in a loving family filled with wonderful grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. We celebrated life with family gatherings, great food, picnics and lots of love and affection.

My great, great, great, great grandfather, George Taylor was granted land here in Virginia by the King of England. He fought in the Revolutionary War therefore I am a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and proud of it!!

My son Joshua is 21 and he gave me the most wonderful birthday present six days after my birthday. I became a grandmother to the most beautiful, smart and adorable little girl, Kayley Mae. She was six pounds and 12 ounces. My whole outlook on life has changed. It feels wonderful to have such a beautiful, loving and close family. You can see new pictures in my family pictures. Josh is a handsome, loving guy and he always loved children. He is a perfect father. His wife is getting her nursing degree. Amber, my daughter is 18 and graduated with the class of 2000. She is free spirited and always trying to balance out all that comes her way. She is a beautiful girl inside and out and both children have given me more pleasure than you can imagine. Raising them alone, just us three, is the most grand experience I ever had and I am proud of us sticking together when times were rough and lonely. We never part without a hug, kiss and "I love you". There is nothing like family.

My children and I spent many times together camping (I had a '74 VW Camp Bus), fishing, cooking out, partying and loving. We three even went to Jamaica together in the summer of 1997. They were my life and still are.

In this life, I am an ole hippie at this stage and being Happy is my goal. If I will feel that I am loved, I will love that person back a thousand times over and will pay them back with my tenderness and faithfulness.

Thank you for reading about me and may the stars above sprinkle star dust your way and the universe watches over you and yours.

Graceful Waves,

Love and Peace,


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