Love After Death

Vivian Leung Siu Bing

Benny walks into the woods, painting and making poetry. Today, he feels kind of awkward. He is anticipating for something to happen. Yet, he doesn't know what. He slowly takes a step forward. He glances at both sides of the road. There, in the distance, he sees a figure walking. The figure looks like Vivian, his so call "friend". He takes a step back, unsure of what kind of trick she may play this time. He continues to observe. Suddenly, Vivian faints trying to walk towards him. Her face faces down. He stands there for a minute, thinking of what to do next. He finally decides to go and take a look.

Benny: (lightly kicking Vivian) Hey Vivian…..wei! Wei wei!
Vivian: (not responding)……….
Benny: (gets worried) Hey! You alright!
Vivian: (trying not to laugh) Ben…(ptth) ny….you (he) gotta save me……(biting lips)
Benny: (turns her over) What is wrong? Who did this to you?
Vivian: (turns around) HAHAHHAHAHA!! (throws a tomato in his face)
Benny: Oh I knew it! I knew it! You never stop do you! (throws Vivian back down on the floor)
Vivian: (lands on her bottom) HAHAHAHHAAHHA!! Fooled you fooled you! HAHAHA!!
Benny: Why are you doing this?!? (wipes the juice off his face)
Vivian: oh, are you mad? (takes her napkin and helps him clean his face)
Benny: Yes, You know something. You are twenty years old now. You still act like a kid. You are so tomboy! No wonder no one wants to marry you!
Vivian: Hey Hey! What is wrong with that!?!? I like being single……
Benny: Well then I hope you never get married!
Vivian: Hey that was mean!
Benny: (ignores her)
Vivian: You want to see Ruby or not?
Benny: (about to walk away) Hey, you promised not to tell.
Vivian: I didn't tell.
Benny: You just did!
Vivian: To no one! What? The trees count too?
Benny: (walks away)
Vivian: Okok, but I know you want to meet her.
Benny: (keeps on walking)……….
Vivian: I mean since Ruby is my best friend, I do have a way……..
Benny: That is what you said the LAST time. Now leave me alone!

Benny, feeling stupid and frustrated, leaves Vivian on the road and continues his little poetry journey through the woods. Vivian, satisfied with her joke on Benny, goes back home.

Kenix: (sees Vivian come in with her ripped clothes) AH! What did you do this time, little sister? Another mean joke on Benny?
Vivian: HEHE! It was a SUCCESS!
Kenix: (shaking her head) I know you like him so why are you doing this?
Vivian: (shyly) What are you talking about? I hate him! That is why I am playing the meanest jokes on him!
Kenix: (shaking her head again) If you like him, I advise you to go now. Because if it is too late, there will be no point regretting!
Vivian: I know Kenix! I know! But how? When I don't even like him?!? I only view him as my friend, someone who won't mind being played on.
Kenix: Yes, he is a very nice guy. So don't give up. I heard that he like Ruby.
Vivian: (nods) He does.
Kenix: Then?
Vivian: Since he is such a nice guy, I will go and help them meet each other and have a chance to fall in love. I mean, Ruby is my best friend after all…..I think she deserves Benny.
Kenix: Ah Ya! You will regret it!
Vivian: It's ok Kenix, I know what I am doing. Remember how the Chan family came last year to your wedding. I heard that the parents are interested in me. I also heard that they are rich and his son is very educated.
Kenix: But you never even met him before!
Vivian: Well, better than Benny, a middle class scholar.
Kenix: Vivian, marriage lasts forever. Money isn't everything. If you can be happy with someone you can stand and like, go for it!
Vivian: Just like brother in law?
Kenix:(smiles sweetly)
Vivian: Ok, I am going to find Ruby now.
Kenix: (yells as Vivian walks out of the door) Think clearly first!

At Ruby's house, she is planning for a secret mission.
Boss: Can you do it Ruby?
Ruby: The fool treats me as her best friend. All I need to do is to go with them on the trip. Are you sure they are going?
Boss: Yes, I double checked already. I will be there to aid you if you are caught. Ok, I will see you then. Bye.

As the mysterious boss walks out of the door, Ruby sees Vivian coming.
Ruby: (to Boss) Thank you for repairing my stove! Bye! (to Vivian) Oh hi!
Vivian: Hey Ruby! I played the meanest joke on Benny!
Ruby: You always say that. Now, sometimes, I feel sorry for the poor guy.
Vivian: You want to meet him?
Ruby: (smiles) Sure, I want to see how can an educated scholar stand a tomboy like you!
Vivian: Even you say so!
Ruby: (smiles) Why did he say the same thing?
Vivian: (annoyed face) Anyways, let's stop talking about him.

The girls talk until dinner time.
At Vivian's house during dinner, Vivian's dad has something to announce.
William: Father in Law, why are we closing the shop for a few days?
Father: We are going to Beijing for a few days.
Vivian: Why?
Kenix: Little sister, you don't remember. It is Mr.Wong's 60th birthday. We will be going for 3 days. I told you a week ago.
Vivian: Oh.
Father: So, everyone get ready for the trip. We are going tomorrow.