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Roller Coaster Songs
Carolyn Buckley


Cosmic Melodies
Bits of the Beach
Ulimate Rollercoaster Forums
The European Coaster Club
The Knutsford Incident

The Lizard's Omen

I hear you have the ultimate in plans for future years
Life is full of ups and downs in all our hopes and fears
From all your friends, we wish you well and hope your plan succeeds,
Take heed, the Lizard's Omen and don't forsake your dreams.

The energy of youth is on your side,
Forget about the critics, stand up strong,
Through it all, one thing can't be denied,
If you trust your inner strength, you can't go wrong.

Forget the ones who criticize and guard your inner light
Like a shining diamond held within the Talon's sight,
Aspiring soon to greatness and achieving all your schemes,
Believe, the Lizard's Omen and don't give up your dreams.

Enthusiasm shines through as the key
So grow in strength as time is passing by,
There are no limits, all that you achieve
Is yours, so keep on reaching for the sky.

Life's a roller coaster and we're all here for the ride,
Soon you'll be constructing the ideas you have inside,
One day we'll see reality arising from your themes,
Lizard's Omen keep on dreaming and believing in your dreams,
Just keep on dreaming and believing in your dreams.

Fragments of the Beach

I'm recalling fragments of the beach,
In my mind, I'm running down the shore.
The distant feeling is within reach,
In time, I'm coming back for more.

Gazing back into the maze of time,
The troubles will soon be gone,
The seasons change, it's easy to find
Something real, something new, just begun.

The meaning of gravity
Sends us up and down and round in a mobius line,
Do you believe in clarity
From a red and blue steel frame of mind?

Gazing up into the chartreuse light,
The river flows beyond unseen,
The other life, a cool breeze in the night,
Shows me a heaven where I've been.

Didn't need promises
In the magic of this place,
It's enough to lose the emptiness,
See the joy in a stranger's face.

I'm recalling fragments of the beach,
In my mind, I'm running down the shore.
The distant feeling is within reach,
In time, I'm coming back for more.

Gazing back into the maze of time,
The troubles will soon be gone,
The seasons change, it's easy to find
Something real, something new, just begun.

Winter of my Discontent

I'm busy dreaming of hazy summer days,
Imagining achieving something crazy in my ways.
It's good to be so headstrong, yet something is amiss,
I long for rushing headlong now into the great abyss.

It isn't over with the turning of the tide,
The feeling that I had last year is burning deep inside.
Another great inversion steals my dreaming every night,
Casting my aspersions on an arrow in mid-flight.

Here is the barren winter of my discontent,
Sometimes nothing real seems fair,
It's just another 67 days' lament,
I'll soon be flying through the air.

It's easy to be there again, just watch them stand in line,
Remember that there is no pain, and go there in your mind,
Next time I'll be bolder, though I wonder now and then,
Knowing that it's over means it's time to start again.

And so I'm waiting for that special day,
Just anticipating, though, don't wish your life away.
Let's see what happens, no regrets, I'm doing fine
And I will be far happier three months down the line.

Here is the barren winter of my discontent,
Somehow nothing real seems fair.
It's just another 67 days' lament,
I'll soon be flying through the air.

The clock is ticking faster,
The time is coasting by,
Shouldn't have to tell you
I really have to fly.

All songs (lyrics & music) copyright Carolyn Buckley 2001
