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Amazing Coincidences - Is the Cosmic Joker at Work?

The Caroline Sutton mentioned on the [14] Science Power Online website co-authored [15] 'More how did they do that' with Kevin Markey. The photograph of him on the Murder at Kilgore Mountain page of the [16] Mass Live website looks remarkably like Graham Wenham, but with more hair and glasses.

A gate near Dog Wood is, according to Knutsford residents, locked on Sundays, thus denying access to potential witnesses of strange lights on 28th February.

A couple who looked remarkably like Graham Wenham and Caroline Sutton walked out of a BUFOSC meeting halfway through, some time last year.

Kevin Markey's father died last year. So, If I recall correctly, did Graham Wenham's father.

A man bearing an uncanny resemblance to Graham Wenham [17] was photographed by the media on 28th February at the Manchester City v Millwall football match. Incidentally, Mr Wenham saw fit to tell BUFOSC investigators that he supports both Millwall and Chelsea.

Caroline Sutton looks similar to a "chain smoking woman" in "hippie clothes" at the LUFOS conference at Southport on 27th February. This woman was spotted by both myself and Tim Matthews.

The company for which Caroline Sutton works (CS Copiers) has the same initials as she does.

There is [18] a Graham Wenham living in Orkney, and two Caroline Suttons, one in London, the other in Surrey.

The Knutsford Incident took place one day after the LUFOS conference.


The Knutsford Incident Home Page
Full Case Report
Time Discrepancies
Witness Statement
UFO Lands In Cheshire - UFO Roundup Vol 4 No 10
Sightings - Hoax Bufosc Foils Cheshire UK 'UFO Landing' Fraud
