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My people...there's no way I have the time or attention span to type everything you mean to me and everything i want to tell you, so just consider this the condensed soup, basically stuff i think of when I think about you. I'll try to avoid mushy-ness, but I luv you guys! If I left you off, tell me!! So, with out further blather and in no particular order....

CHRISTA- We go waaay back! We've been getting outta line together for as long as I can remember. There have some ruff spots..oaky, alot of ruff spots, but i guess that's juss because we're so different. I also guess that's why we're friends, because we have different ways of doing stuff. yeah, the last two years have been really awesome. I have tons of crazy memories from all our band trips, like throwing katie that birthday party and the smooshed little debbie cakes. oh, and 'there's a draft..christa?' then there were all those times at your house. i practically lived there for a while. i still think 1/2 my wardrobe is in your room somewhere. French class has been a world all of its own. We've gotta take French III together next year. Long live the hangman club of france. There was also stringing popcorn and going grocery shopping and playing hide and go seek, and summer band, and our little spot on the wall, and the key club conventions, and all the umpteen-thousand other crazy times. well, you know that whatever you need, whenever you need, i'll be here. 'memeber romans 8:28. lylas, lylac, shmily nitw

JEREMY- Hey there! How's the kids? LOL. This year has been really fun. The bus trips are the best. Like the time we got stranded at that rest stop and there was that public bathroom...and that guy....and you wore my shoes..i thought we were gonna get raped by that crazy truck driver. That was also that time that you told Mrs. Kade you were taking your pants off. oh, and the time we all passed out and i couldn't get u to wake up..i have never been that scared in my life!! That's the trip that the clevit thing and 'pencies' came frum! lol Summer band was good too. The cookie is oatmeal btw, and not PUMPKIN! Now, stay in 'left field' or at least go find a drain. Member stalking that guy down at Pennys?? We do an aweful lot of stalking. All your blondie in the hallway...hehe..We have way too much fun. There have been good times and bad times, but you're good at making the bad times better...thanks for always listening to me whine...not that i whine alot....j/j hang in there.. wuv woo

ROBERT- This year has been crazy. I'm so glad I got to meet & become friends with you. I can always count on you tell me the truth. We ARE going to take over the world, someday. We've juss gotta get all the little umbrellas, plastic silverware, and christa's needles. It's all your fault I got burned, your never making pizza again! (however i did, um....backstab you in that game of risk...i sowwy). Then you go and eat my raw cookie dough!! Remember that night we talked on here till 7:00 in the morning? That was insane! Never forget all our late night telephone conversations. And of course the movie where i life got stuck to the bottom of your shoe and all the times we came to bother you at work. Then there were the horses and the fact that YOU broke the cat toy after homecomming, even tho it was my fault. I still have your homecomming boutineer in my fridge. You'll always be 'King Tut Me Banana Daisy' to Her. Well, you scare me sometimes, but I don't know what I'd do without you...i'm gonna miss ya next year, but I'm excited to see all the great things you'll accomplish. I'll always be here for you no matter what. You still owe me that massage, even if i can't remember your name!!Lylab

EVANGELINE- Howdy Eggcrate! We've had lots'o great times & some bad ones too. Never forget Charleston..(Life's a hairball...),the cow that got loose, and he bought you a ring, the bats, I am so Gracefull and flexable-I could be a perfect balerina,I want a that with no tomatos please, how old were you when you were 2, You're asking me how to TELL something, OG NOG SHMUT!, Oga poga (aka Nessie), Evan likes to bathe her animals, the posters are not thirsty, Life's a hairball, cough it up, Hamlet and Bob Marley, Samson was a strong man...! It seems like your the one who always cateches me in a blond moment, or getting tongue tied. At least i can catch you back! We have too much fun. We've also cried alot of tears. Thanks for always being there for me in most of my tough times. I really depend on you alot. Your usually the other half of my emotional breakdowns, but take that as a good thing, babe! I hope we're always as close as we are now and I hope that we can always tell each other the truth about everything. you're wanna my best friends, 1/4 of 'the plus sign' and also 'she' hehe. stay the same, and never lose your crazy sense of humor! You also give the best-est hugs! Well, I'm always here for you, no matter what. LyLaS, LyLaC, ShMiLy NiTw!

MEGAN- Hey megus! Camp was awesome. Never forget St. Louis and Chicago. MMMMkk for ever. It's all good to the clam, do u think the grass knows when we're happy? Writing camp's so fun..w/ u me & molly! hehe eh!...some boingy boingy....that story was crazy! (but very funny...) poor bobby! We all gotta get together more often (but not at taco bell). Remember how much fun we had in science? Those pics. we drew with James Dean and the Miner and the Beatles. And when we played hangman with movies. How about, "The King isn't supposed to have hair..who, elvis??". I'm gonna take a whole roll of film of 'you know who's butt! then there are our guys: Maroon Sweater, Photographer, Happy Camper, the guy that made our day, and u have english book....You're my mental twin so that makes u awesomeful. Let's see.."It's all greek to me" and "Katie, I love your hair!" Plus your the only one who embraces me superman fetish. AND one of the only one who understands the joys of british humor. "Daddy, does he have to go into the gwound like all the othews?" Even tho 1/2 the time our friendship is based on being mean to each other, ur really an awesome chica. (even if u do speak spanish) We've done some pretty crazy things, like our rafting trip!! we're bruises, Eat Britain, and nobody wants to kill the pride of wales!! we gotta do that again sometime! Oh! we met a REAL LIFE LOU!! then there was rocky horror picture show..let's do the time warp again! I know your a great person to talk to if i need a pickmeup. Hang in there and sts!!! Be urself always cuz it rocks, well, i gotta run stupid, megus, dorkus..pick a name!! LyLaS & it's all good to the clam

KATIE- Hey. I'm glad we actually get along now...remember 7th grade? I don't have any arms. Did you die? LOL. The band trips have been soooo fun!! Hopefully this year will be even more fun than last year & we'll get to all go to PU..remember that? YOu crack me up!! Even if you are very blond, i love you to death!! Let's always have invisible camp fires and 'social grooming!' And the way you fixed my hair for the dance..that was juss plain awesome. You are so totally insane! we gotta all go on a rafting trip 2-gether and all take lots 'o film of LOU!!! I know we tease you and call you Bossy Bragg, and sometimes you deserve it, but you are one of the only ppl. who can quiet 57 screaming band nerds. And your never afraid to say what your thinking..may i sight, 'quit being a dumbass, dumbass.' as an example? You can take any guy I know. 'Some Pig', and 'I'm going to laugh if he's dead by the time we get there.' lol It's been really fun standing next 2 u in band this year. hope we're always friends...Teach me about soccer again sometimes...k??Well, STS...LyLaS

SHANNON- Hola. Long time no see!! You are a most excellent friend, and even though i don't get to see you very frequently, i always enjoy the times i do. We've had some good and bad times together..remember when I hated you there for like two months?? I'm sorry. Well, anyways, Your my squire and all that. It's as dry as the Mojave desert. We have relly done the crazy things and been through some really hard times together. You're wonna my best friends, even if I don't treat you like it all the time. You know you can always come sit of my roof and we'll talk, juss like old times. BTW, i wanna see that T-bird when it's fixed up! I truly appreciate the beauty of that baby! :O) sometime, if your not working (LoL) stop by and see me...LyLaB

MOLLY- first of all...I MISS YOU!!!! Hope all is spifftaculous in MS, but you better not forget us while your hangin with the hotties! Well, never forget St. Louis and Chicago. How do you spell oboist, spell check?? The goldfish named Ford Prefect, & Ivar the older bro! I don't like anything that's minsed...or however you spell it...We love our West Wing. Oh yeah, and the beatles, and billy joel, and His Dark Materical....and all that!! Well, MMMMkk for ever, right?! We know the Beatles rock da world. A moment of silence (how appropriate) for the quiet beatle *sniffle*. You are an awesome chica and don't let anybody ever tel u otherwise! Juss don't call me dude, dude! Meg and I are gonna come visit you over spring break in Mississippi and we'll all go over to New Orleans for Mardi Gras! Always remember all our winter holliday parties at sister's and our four-spoon ice cream. Michael's Jammin Down the Highway, Freakin out Mocha with Ben and Jerry's NY Super Fudge Chunk! A meal fit for the goddesses we are. We had such a good time at rocky horror even if we were freezing our buts off the whole time. dammit janet! I think about it everytime when I see Berry Bostwick on that pepsi comercial. The sweet transvestite from transexual trasylvania! ahh...always remember the wonderful words to as seen on tv..what a GREAT song!! But, of course you won't forget..He's your cuz. I still can't believe you let us think he was straight all that time. lol, umm...Oblade Oblada! I'm always here, if u juss wanna chat or whatever, but u know that!! yeah, thank god for icq! I salute you for being one of the only other true mel brooks, monty python, west wing lovers i know. StS, and we're gonna come visit u sometime soon! LyLaS

BRYAN- Hi! Never forget the good times. Like the billings, the giant hot-water garbage bag, and, of course, blue flame. That was kewl. Or the time we dug up that old nail in your yard, or how our sis's threw those snowball rocks at us, or how your dad couldn't believe you'd be friends with a girl, and of course 'shapin' up santa'! Oh, and 'Oglethorpia.' Then, in Model Un when we declare war on Candada for no reason. I remember back in the day when we were really good friends, like when we went trick-or-treating and u were dressed in that silver stuff and eden sucked on your toe, or best of all the missing may trip and u dressing up as CLETUS!! Then there was the mercer school graduation. I have a bomb, this isn't it, but...I HAVE A BOMB, and you telling all the kids that that would be the only graduation that they ever see. THen them telling us to visit the hospital. the poor stupid kid who got a b in spelling..heh, i know you'd love to get away from me somtimes, but you can't!! haha, your stuck beside me in alphabetical order for all eternity. oh, i forgot about 'The Sandwitch Project'.LoL i'm never eating at subway again. Well, i know things have changed, but your onna the most fun ppl. i know, and if you ever want to come hang out with us again, your welcome to.. I'm here if ya ever need a thing! LyLaB

RYAN- Hey Skeppinfetchit, yes, that's how you spell it! Bob fairy of elf, BAD FAIRY, BAD BAD! LOL. Well, never forget changing Maurice and all the fun stuff. What'd we do w/o you to do stupid stuff like stick keys in electrical outlets? Our tea partys in enlish are really great. The snowball fights are cold tho. And, of course, harmonizing barbra ann outside. Remember the day u and shannon came over and we played cards and u guys ate all the food in my whole house?? WHen that spoon flew over the bar into your lap and shannon and my sis flew over to grab it...that was onna the funniest expressions i've ever seen. You were gone for quite a while, but i hope your back now. Lot's a stuff has changed, but just remeber to take it easy, you worry too much. YOur a great friend and you give great hugs.juss try not to be mean to me, or i'll use my foot ball moves on u! LyLaB

JOSH- Hey other member of the diddle dum duo! May the Plussian Frederation reign forever! Christa is STILL brushing her teeth. Never forget the 'band penguin.' Barry sax very good. Town band is gonna be fun, even if we're practically the only Princeton people. We're growing in our ranks tho. lol, we can stage a hostile takeover. Lucile! i love lucile! she's sooo pretty. Never forget all those times we went to Wendy's after band, and all the insane soccer games. lol, You'll always be 'the bacon' no matter what. Christa, even at THIS point, continues to brish her teeth. I'm scared that your driving.. you're the first person of our small little sophomore crowd to get your liscence. we have way too much fun. always remember that your a special person and not to let fear of ticking people off make you back down when u think something is right. i'm juss gonna sit here and 'L.T.S' instead of LoL..k? juss to be vintage, 'peace out' stay the same!! LyLaB

BETHANY- Taumacepoliolli! We love scrabble don't we? And dymensia through music and art! Never forget the walk for the homley (uh..homless!) Well, Love ya like a cousin (litterally!). Stay the same. LyLaS

ERICA- Hey girl, you're a really great person. We've not known each other very long, but u fit right in with our little group perfectly. Your house is awesome too. We ahve way too mcuh fun when we get together and we always laugh till we can't breathe, so that's bad, but... Remember what the wise monkey said. oooh ooh aaah.! LOL. LyLaS

KEL- Look! I spelled your name right for once. WOW! Never forget the wheel of death and leaving your name & number at Dairy Queen. Don't be discouraged by anyone. you're a great writer and i know you'll go far in life. STS. LyLaB

ANGELICA- Howdy! Hey girl-ie! Your great!! We've still gotta market asthma medicationas an afrodisiac to stupid ppl. Never forget the WIKKIE WIKKIE WA WA DOLL.LOL! Well, StS. LyLaS

MEGAN S.- Hey Girl! Aren't cha glad to be on here? LOL. We've gotta get together sometime, me and you and the rest of the U-7 girls. Well, you rock & Ya know that it's ALL GOOD TO THE CLAM!! LyLaS

BRAD- Well, I don't remember actually ever meating you, but I know ya now, right? LOL. Never forget the murder mysteries. How fun! :o) Yeah, i know the sandwich was uncrustable to begin with, but hey...LyLaB

JERAD- Hmm. I've known you quite a while. Well, I'll always be around to mock you when you are brutally attacked by my sis. "TACKLE JERAD!!". Well, STS. LyLaB

Eric- Hey there!! How about them tap dancing chickens? LoL, well, i've never actually met you, but i swear I'm still going to come to Michigan & dance in your front yard, k? rock! Remember to keep your SUPERvision.!

ERICA S.- Hey girl! What's up? Well, i miss you and being in Jr. Youth with ya! Well, STS & never forget Ressurection. (We don't say she poured booze in the punch, we say the punch was spiked..) LyLaS

RYAN 'THUNK'- HEY! What can I say? (except the Taffy is falling, ahhh thunk!) Well, we've had some crazy times, like at Carowinds. TOP GUN FOREVER!! STS. LyLaB.

CALEB- Hola. Well, never forget Ressurection and, of course, 'All them lions they can eat my body but they can't *SLINKY*.' Well, STS..k? LyLaB

Paul- We really go way way back!! I can't really think of mutch to say right now, so if I think of something, i'll juss yell over, aight? Well, I really have known you forever! LOL. It's Fed-Ex, will they give us money?? LOL

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