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Welcome to the Jungle!

Hello poor stranger (or brave friend) who has found their way onto this site. As the title says "Welcome to the Jungle", and yes, I know quoting from Guns'n'Roses is not always the best idea given Axel Rose's sexist history but I think it summarises well the scope of the contents of my site. I am interested in everything and nothing and maybe you will find something here that will tickle your fancy. I intend to include some of my own writings (for what they are worth), info on my favourite bands (including the band in which I play bass...the wonderful Playground Psychotic) and movies and indeed some more serious items, such as information on a topic very close to my heart:-mental illness. Don't be surprised at what you come across here...the path through this forest was designed to be strayed from!

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Stuff to see and do

Journey to the Centre of the Author
Midnight Society - Some of my writing
My band's site
Being Bipolar
The Shitlist
