How You Can Help

Heres the page listing where you can go and vote for Ethreal, Hanson....whatever I decide to put on here and help out!

Vogue Awards
Well, these were a "nominate yourself" kinda thing, so I took the leap and thought, "what the hell?" I doubt i'll get anything, but you can humor me. *lol* I don't mind. Here's what i'm up for:
*Most Devoted Webmaster
*Best Site/domain Name
*Most Creative and Unique Site
*Best Writer of Fanfiction
*Best Newbie Site [site since 2001 and still running]
Here's the link:

Motherbird Awards
I'm up for Best Name here, so go vote for me....I promise I'll be happy! Here's the link:

Little Pretty Awards
I'm up for these at the Little Pretty Awards, so go vote for me if you like what I've done with this bit of space and show your support!
*Best Fan Fiction
*Best Author
little pretty awards Awards
Someone actually liked me enough to nominate me for an award at the awards. If you like what I've done with the site, please go vote! I'm up for:
*Fan-fic You Checked Everyday for 2 Months, Praying for Updates
Here's the link: