Melissa thanks...

The creater of light- God, Thank you for giving me breath and this marvelous world we live in. Thank you for surrounding me with such wonderful people and, despite the pain, for making me the strong person i am today! i could go on forever!
Mom and Dad- i know i'm not the best child to walk the face of this earth and that i could have been better at times. i'm sorry. god couldn't have blessed me more. you guys are awesome. thank you!
Lillie- Thanks, Pimp Mama L (*lol*) for helping me gets this thing up and running! without you there would be no Ethreal! Thanks for the constant support and help! You're the greatest! Thats right, Biotch!
Heather- Thanks for puting up with me, even when ya don't wanna. you're a great friend!
Julia- What can i say? even though you've never been here and probably never will see this, your my best friend. you've been there through thick and thin and have helped me conquer and fight my battles since the tender age of 4. you're the best friend and sister god never gave me. Thanks for being there, love ya!
My Friends- you guys keep me sane and in one peice! thank you for sticking by me and helping me through life. i love you all!
Aunt Darlene- You are the coolest aunt ever! see...i didn't forget ya! how could i? i love you guys very much!
Nannie- i know you're looking down on my from heaven and watching over me. Thank you for being an inspiration to my life. Thank you for all the love and all you taught me. i will never forget it and i will always keep a peice of you with me. rest in peace and god bless!
My Sister Sites- Thanks for taking a chance on the dinky little site, it may look like nothing, but to me it's a lot and to have support from ya'll means the world to me! ya'll rock!
Hanson- i know you'll never see this, but i have to thank you anyways. thanks for the music and inspiration that has helped me through these past years. you have helped me stay positive (if possible) and helped me find that tiny shred of hope that, at times, i didn't think existed. i don't know how to put into words your impact on my life, just know that i am a better person because of you. thank you!
You- thanks for comming to this site, taking your chance on a brand new site by a crazy webmistress. your kind comments touch me and i thank you for all the support. when you put up something like this, you spend so much time on it and you can only hope people will like it. i just hope ya'll like it! Thank you!

if i have forgotten you, know that i don't mean to. i am thankful for so many people that i hardly know where to begin. know that i still love ya! thank you!