
Since I am the Queen of randomicity, I thought it only fitting to have a page about random stuff. This meaningless crap is updated daily, so you have a new chance everyday to get inside this demented mind of mine....well, kinda.

Date: 06/26/02

Time: 11:40 PM, argh! And I have to take a shower tonight too. Will I ever find the time to sleep?

What I'm wearing: My brand new red pants and a white "wife-beater" type tank top....I have to experiment and see what works with these pants. I'm not too crazy about this "match".

Atlanta Weather: Humid, cloudy, rainy...generally....gross. At least it was today, but since the sun obvious isn't out at night, I have no idea if its cleared up or not.....my guess, due to this weeks non-stop nasty weather, it hasn't and won't for a long painful time.

What I'm drinking: nothing.

What I'm eating: Uh....nothing right now.

What I'm reading: "Whisper of the River", its a book I have to read for Mercer. Homework, oh yeah! I'm simply thrilled....not particuarly.

What I'm thinking about: hm...nothing really. Don't wanna go to work tomorrow. Thats something I could be pondering, no?

What is in my CD player: Avril Lavigne, Frank Sinatra, and the new Our Lady Peace. I'm hoping to get the Dirty Vegas cd and the new Counting Crows one soon. Have to wait on the later for July 9th.....magic date! Don't go forgeting it, now!

Last person I talked to on the phone: Maryam, Miss "I miss Drew". Save me!

What mood am I in: Tired and fed up.....with everything. Nothing in paricular.....well, don't feel like venting on the internet, not this one.

Songs of the Moment: "Somewhere Out There" by OLP. I love "Rock Star" from N.E.R.D. too. Actaully just everything

Napster: Sad! They shut down the revolution! Bad Metalica!

'NSync or Backstreet- Like em both.

Britney or Christina- Don't really like either. I used to hate them both with a passion (still do to some degree), but I could really care less anymore.

Mandy- Too ditzy. Very fake.

What I've done today: hm....went to lunch with my aunt, brother, and mom, then to dnace class. After that went jeans shopping at the mall, went to Kroger when I got home....then....nothing.

Random quote of the week: "Hes so cute, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it!" -Heather *lol* That just cracks me up!

What I'm watching: This freakin computer screen...and channel surfing.

Who is in this room right now: *sings* All by myself, don't wanna be all by myself anymore....*sings*

Last movie i saw (in theatres): The New Kid, it was a while ago, yes. Give me the weekend, I'm dying to get out and see something new.

Last movie I saw (period): Orange County, not as good as I thought it'd be, not nearly. Sorry.

Work in progress: My room....school......My journal...and don't forget my social life and everything else here....wait...I ,myself, am a freakin work in progress! A lot of editing necessary. Oh, this site too!

Big Deal of the Moment: College, its scary. Mommy!

I'll add more topic thingies later or as I think of them!