
I don't have much up here yet, just a few of my poems. Please don't take these to use on your site or anything. These are my personal poems that I probably shouldn't even be putting up here. I'll put a picture up once I find one or once I'm able to use the other computer again. If you have any comments, thoughts, or anything, feel free to e-mail me. Thank you!

I bought myself flowers yesterday
Every little rose seems to stand for each day you've been gone
Soon the petals will fall and soon I'll realize
You're not coming back
Not now
Not later
Then maybe I can breathe again

I stare at the floor
Color shadowed by dust and darkness
Years had fallen
Covering the life hidden somewhere inside
I yearn to open the doors
Let light in
Maybe one day
But for now dust hides the secrets
And shadows the life hidden within

It is all that I am
It sweeps me away and fills my soul
It carries me away to a place where life doesn't seem to be in vain
A place where I can forget about my life
Loneliness, sorrow, losses
A place where being me isn't anything bad
My emotions aren't anything to be ashamed of
It lets me breathe, gives me hope
It flows through my veins and keeps me alive
In my mind, it makes everything alright
Music sets me free

All day I dream
About what has been
What is
What will be
My dreams are where I want to be
What can not always be
They are the true doorways to the soul
Dreams rather than eyes
Eyes can decieve
Appear icy and be warm
Appear warm and be glossed with ice
Dreams hold the secrets of the soul