Long Stories

so far i only have the beginning of the Bright Angel Series, which i am very proud of, so check it out and let me know what ya think!

Bright Angel

"Near the end of the line was a girl in a pink dress, when she walked in with that nervous grin on her face, she looked like an angel, lighting up the whole room. I had never seen someone so beautiful in my life. Then the lights dimmed and my angel faded out of view as a spotlight focused in on the impatient voice teacher taking center stage."

Disco Balls and Plane Tickets

Sequel to Bright Angel- "'This is the final boarding call for flight 517 to Amsterdam, Holland.' I looked at Heather, and the rest of the crowd and we got in line to board the plane. As she tore my ticket, I took a deep breath. “This is it,” I thought, “no turning back now.” Panic hit and I pushed it back again as I waved goodbye to my family and to Hillary and walked down the plank towards the plane and towards a whole ‘other world. A single tear streamed down my faced and I brushed it off."