Disco Balls and Plane Tickets
Chapter 22

Melissa: “Melissa,” Heather came running down the narrow hotel corridor. I shoved a dirty t-shirt in my oversized duffle bag as the approaching footsteps grew louder and stopped at the door. “Should I let her in,” I whispered out loud. I slowly rose from my position on the floor, throwing in another article of clothing as I trudged to the door. Out of breath, Heather seemed to jump a foot when the door opened just as her hand was reaching up to knock. “Are we a bit on edge,” I giggled. She shot me a don’t-mess-with-me look. “What’s up,” I asked, as we made our way back into the cramped living space. “Got bored of Rachel complaining about any and everything,” she rolled her eyes. “So you came to annoy me, eh?” “Well, that was the plan.” I resituated myself on the cool carpet and urged Heather to pass me items out of reach. “So, what did I miss today?” I cast an upward glance as she handed over a pair of vintage heels. “Another day of day of wandering around the city aimlessly with tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb who don’t wanna do anything but walk in circles and go back the room for a long nap?” “Yea, not a lot of fun,” she mumbled. “Ya miss me?” I giggled. She nodded her head vigorously. “I’d wear those two out in a heartbeat, ya know. I’m little Miss Can’t-miss-a-thing.” With a grin, she replied, “oh yea…so what did you do today with Romeo?” I couldn’t help the smile that crept to my face. “We did some sight-seeing, took some pictures, almost drowned,” I giggled. “Not even asking.” A ring from the phone on the nightstand startled us and Heather, being the closest to it, answered in a soft voice. “Hello?” “Hey, Is Melissa there?” “Hold on one second.” She eyed me, “Its for you.” “Who is it?” She shrugged. “A boy?” I took the phone. “Hello?” “Hey, baby.” “Hey,” my face lit up and I could see Heather start to head for the door. I motioned for her to stay. “What’s up?” I wondered why he had called; in less than an hour, I’d be on the bus headed for Germany. “Nothing’s up. I just wanted to say good-bye before you left.” I could feel myself blushing as I giggled. “That’s so sweet.” “When are you leaving?” “About 45 or 30 minutes now. That’s when we have to be in the lobby anyway.” “Are you packing?” “Yep, gathering up the last of it,” I glanced around the room. “Well, I better let ya go then.” “Ok, call me when you get back in the states. I love you.” Click. “Hello?” No answer. I sat with the phone to my ear in a kind of shock. Did he actually hang up on me? I turned to Heather, setting the phone back in place. “What is it?” “He didn’t say ‘I love you’ and I think he hung up on me.” I was starting to get mad. “He did what? That little…” she started. The door opened with a boom and I sat on the corner of the bed as Heather zipped up my bag after throwing in the last article of clothing. “Who died in here?” Lillie’s eyes surveyed the still, quiet room. “He hung up on her,” Heather answered. Lillie shook her head. “What was he smoking?” Heather silenced her with a deadly glare. “You ok?” “Oh yea, I’m fine.” I stood up and slung my backpack over a shoulder. “That boy better watch out,” Lillie mumbled. “You ready?” I turned to Heather. “Yeah, my bags are already downstairs with Rachel,” she answered. “Mine too,” Lillie snapped. “Lets go then,” with one last glance around the room, I grabbed the huge bag at my feet. I listened to the sound of the door slam behind me and wondered what tomorrow would bring.

Chapter 23