Disco Balls and Plane Tickets
Chapter 21

Melissa: “My feet hurt,” I stated very matter-of-factly, then glanced up at Taylor. “Carry me,” I made my best pathetic pity-me face and started exaggerating by leaning on him and panting. I couldn’t help the laugh and little grin poking its way through. “Please, Taylor,” I whined clutching to his shirt. “You’re on your own, baby,” he laughed shoving his hands in his pockets. I stopped, whining as he continued walking down the street with a smirk gracing his face. I put my head down, examining the cobblestones under my feet worn by time and nature. “Oh shit,” I practically yelped out as I was unexpectedly lifted into the air by two strong arms. My head flew back with laughter as I threw my arms around his neck and broad shoulders. “Wait…aren’t I too heavy? Put me down,” I squealed. “You’re not heavy! You weigh as much as I feather,” he protested, laughing as we rounded the corner and a huge fountain came into view. My first thought was how beautiful it was; then, as we got closer, a big “oh no” was lodged in my brain. He laughed all the way up to the ledge, merely inches from a bath. Horror marked my face and my screams became louder as he proceeded to hold me over the rushing water. “Put me down! If you drop me, don’t think for a second that I won’t pull you in with me cause you’ve got another thing coming. I’ll get you back for this! Put me down now, Taylor!” I latched onto the arms that held me up. I closed my eyes, waiting for the water to rise up to meet me and engulf my whole being. I was scared as I waited in my dark-as-night world, but still no water yet. I held my breath as he lowered me closer to a premature heart attack and was puzzled when my feet finally landed on solid ground. I cautiously opened my eyes to the loud sound of rushing water, the blinding sun, the boy who, just moments ago, I thought was gonna drop me into a puddle of freezing cold water. I shoot him a look, “well, that was certainly uncalled for, Mr. Hanson.” “You knew I wasn’t gonna drop you.” “That’s what they all say,” I gave him a playful shove and he caught my arms pulling me into him. “So…I’m just another guy, am I?” “Well, I didn’t say that…” I blushed and turned my head, avoiding eye contact and that silly grin daring to grace my face as he started tickling me in an attempt to get an answer. “Huh?” I laughed and he smiled. “Of course you’re not,” tickling ceased. “But I don’t know if I can trust you anymore,” I laughed as he gawked at my answer and I practically fell to the ground with laughter from just looking at his face. “Why not?” I cleared my throat and made a big gesture to the fountain with my hand, “gez, Taylor, perhaps I’ve already forgotten!” “Oh that,” he hide the grin behind an apologetic mask. “I’m sorry, baby. I meant it as a joke and I went a little too far…but you have to admit…it was funny seeing you squirm like that!” “Aw…now that was a bit harsh,” before I could make a dramatic exit, or fake one, he grabbed me by the waist. “Come on, you know I didn’t mean it. I love you more than anything and I didn’t mean to piss you off, baby.” “I know,” satisfaction of a victory consumed me, “I could never be mad at you anyway. You’re just too cute.” I tried to pinch his cheek, but he caught my hand before I could make another move. “Not so fast, you,” he laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek instead. “Ew…Cooties!” For that one, I got a big kiss on the lips. “Ok now, drama queen, stay right there. I wanna get some pictures of you here.” I faked a slouch in protest, but as soon as the camera was lifted into view, I snapped into model mode. “That’s my girl,” he laughed behind the zoom lens, sun covering his face and my heart jumped.

Chapter 22